Episode IV Luke and Biggs Restored Deleted Scenes [4K HDR] - Star Wars: A New Hope

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This 9 minute collection shows the remainder of the scenes I've restored into the Extended Supercut which bridges Rogue One and A New Hope in a 4.5 hour Supercut as one long epic film, including restored deleted scenes from ANH as well as PostitinFX's SC38 Reimagined version of the Vader/Kenobi duel. You will see a new crawl, about these 6 minutes of restored deleted scenes, and other minor adjustments to properly bridge the 2 films into one more coherent 4.5 hour single film adventure.

This cut of the film is simply titled "Star Wars: Episode IV - The Rogue Cut".

This footage is taken from the updated version 2 of the cut released in early March, 2021.

Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#StarWars #StarWarsDeletedScenes #RogueOne #ANEWHOPE #DarthVader #RebelAlliance #PrincessLeia #LukeSkywalker #DeletedScenes
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Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

And just to be clear, I believe deleting the scenes from the original 1977 film cut was the right call. However, with the nature of this specific Episode IV/R1 Supercut and the Rebellion already having been clearly established in the Rogue One portion of the edit, I think the restoration makes more sense and the pacing problems are far less of an issue.

And given the fact that Fixer, Camie, and an screen accurate recreation of Tosche Station made cameos in Book of Boba Fett, it appears the folks at Lucasfilm agree with me that these scenes are now relevant to the wider canon again.


Definitely makes Biggs' demise that much more powerful when their connection and friendship is developed as it was written.


Garrick Hagon who played Biggs is a very good actor. I've seen him in a few other things including a guest appearance on Doctor Who. I'm glad that this scene with him can still be seen by Star Wars fans. Thanks very much for that. May the Force be with you.


words cannot explain how ecstatic i am to see that restored footage. i’ve been obsessed with the radio drama of A New Hope, and the 1 hour of back story. So, seeing these scenes after the race at the Stone Needle is so cool!


Love to see a version of the film with all the restored deleted scenes, the fans would love it


Cutting these scenes really cheated the audience out of knowing how important Biggs was to Luke, and how powerful it was at the end when Biggs sacrificed himself to ensure that Luke could make the shot at the Death Star. I'm so glad we can at least see this here.


These restored scenes have taught me one important thing… clearly Biggs should have been the main character of this trilogy. 😆


Just realized that Han was like a surrogate version of Biggs for Luke.


Adding the Kotor Taris music to the deleted scenes made me think of this as an RPG. Luke chose the route that locks him out of recruiting Biggs. Biggs leaves Luke's party so now he has to recruit Han instead for an escort. It’s almost like Han and Biggs are mutually exclusive party members (Like Brianna-Mical or Mira-Hanhaar in Kotor 2 lol). Han is the scoundrel class and Biggs is the scout class.


Luke and Biggs were like the relationship between Rick and Max on Robotech, brothers!


The first scenes of Luke and Biggs should not have been eliminated since it gives more context to the character and makes the plot more interesting, in addition to giving more life to Tatooine because at first it feels like an empty planet.


I really love these extra scenes with Biggs, especially the second one. They should have been restored in the Special Edition.


Fantastic! Very well done and a real treat to see. It's hard to put to words the feelings this all engenders man, especially for those of us that saw the film in the theater when if first came out. There are no words to describe just how everyone's minds were blown seeing ANH for the first time, regardless of one's age!


Fabulous!!!! Should have definitely remained in the finished cut!!!! 🙂👌👌🙏🙏


These scenes explain to me WHY Luke was so obsessed with "Biggs" all the da*n time!


I love this scene and know it slowed down the pacing but its still special to me as I had seen the stills from it in my old Star Wars storybook.


This is even better then thr first time. I really hope it gets improved further in the future.


This is really good work and does fill a plot hole I didn't know existed until recently. As far as Biggs talking about nationalizing commerce, that sounds fascinating. Could we get a movie about that? And maybe trade disputes? With lots of meetings?


This clears up something that was always a huge mystery to me. Why is Luke so keen to attend an Imperial academy if he hates the Empire. So it’s a local flight academy he’s talking about seemingly.


It's so cool 😎 seeing it this way!!
