This World Environment Day 2022, UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen calls for action

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The 2022 World Environment Day campaign #OnlyOneEarth calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.



The idea of World Environment Day was born 50 years ago at the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. It was born out of an understanding that we need to stand up, to protect the air, land, water on which we depend. It was born out of an understanding that the power of people matters, and matters greatly.

Today, as we look to a present and future of heatwaves, droughts, floods, wildfires, pandemics, dirty air, wars, and plastic-ridden oceans – action is more important than ever. And we are running against the clock. This is on all of us. This means politicians that see beyond election cycles to intergenerational wins. This means financial institutions that finance the planet. This means businesses that account for nature. This means a just and clean energy transition. This means people making smarter choices on what to eat, to wear, and how to live. This means cities where we can breathe. And this means legislators who protect the human right to a healthy environment.

The movement that began in 1972, stands at a critical juncture today. It is now or never. Because we are one people and we have only one earth. We have only one home. And that is worth standing up for.
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Because we have only one earth human behavior should be changed. And building the idea of ​​properly disposing of plastic containers is one of the steps to protect this land, and this is what I found with ( zeloop ) application, which rewards the user for not littering, and everyone should be encouraged to use it to live in a healthy land.


Awareness through education would bring new achievements for the planet


Heatwaves grabbed south Asia especially the Whole of Pakistan & Indian western states like (Punjab, Haryana, and Rajhistan)
It is important for The UN and I think it's on an emergency basis to find out the solution against Heatwave.
the Un Play their role in this region make new forest in these regions
give Aid to these countries.
peoples are very in tough condition the crops are damage the live stock are deads on daily basis specially in south punjab( Cholistan) pakistan... SO its very important to save the humans life and also to save our Earth!!!!
Kindly do research on these areas why the Climate effect more & more on this region...


A good demands can be fulfilled by will power which is all positive to achieve the targets


مدرسة ابن طفيل تحتفل باليوم العالمي للبيئة (05 يونيو)
تحت شعار #لا_نملك_سوى_أرض_واحدة


Agriculture is the best practice to keep our globe healthy. It's relative activities like cattle rearing, domestic pets' care, non usage of " polluting chemicals in the name fertilizers& pesticides".Continous aeration of soil by ploughing repeatedly is one of the best traditional methods of agriculture to get best output in crops!!!😂.More and more green feilds makes the environment sustainable for living.
What ever development goes in the name of smart cities, storied flyovers, aerodrome, multilateral express Highways, huge sized administrative structures definitely consume huge area of green carpet of mother
It leads to serious climatic changes, ultimately disasters happen .For sustainable development one has to think about the eco-friendly policies to implement under the guidance of knowledgeble persons.Just making of conference, awareness and theoritical thing would not fetch any betterment towards " healthy one earth"
It is unfortunate that Urban mass being known about ill effects of so called modern lifestyle are contributing more towards un health of green planet, Biosphere, Mother earth for all of us and other livingbings also 🙏.
Think about what is essential for living and what not is essential. Answers lies in ourselves. 😭🤔😂


The younger generations are the future owners of this one and only earth
So the children are to be involved more and more in the innovations towards the better tomorrow. Is any one of the parents ready to teach their children regarding the simple life which protect tje from over exploitation...


[05/06, 2:27 PM] Dream: शायद ही तुम्हे इस से सस्ता सौदा मिले।
तुम जमीन को छोटा सा बीज दो।
और बदले मै तुम्हे बड़ा सा पौधा मिले

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस की शुभकामनाएं🌴🌴🪴🪴🌱🌱🌲🌳🎄🌲🌴
