THE THIRD FLOOR | The Virtual Production Process
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For over two decades, pioneering directors and their teams have been demonstrating what’s possible with Virtual Production – using computer graphics in new ways during pre-production and live on set. The Third Floor is proud to have worked on many of these projects, also contributing to the technologies and methods that support robust Virtual Production workflows today.
This video, produced and narrated by Casey Schatz, Head of Virtual Production at The Third Floor and Simulcam and Techvis Integration for Avatar: The Way of Water, walks through aspects of Virtual Production from ideation through post, illustrating some of the components that can be used in Virtual Production and describing how virtual tools continue to enhance and advance the time-honored crafts and collaborations in filmmaking.
This video, produced and narrated by Casey Schatz, Head of Virtual Production at The Third Floor and Simulcam and Techvis Integration for Avatar: The Way of Water, walks through aspects of Virtual Production from ideation through post, illustrating some of the components that can be used in Virtual Production and describing how virtual tools continue to enhance and advance the time-honored crafts and collaborations in filmmaking.