Could Star Citizen Work With No PvP or Player Interaction? (Ft. VoidyVids)

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Many believe PvP is crucial to Star Citizen, many disagree vehemently. But PvP is not the only form of player interaction, and limiting these interactions can be a slippery slope. Where is the line drawn in regards to players affecting other players, and could Star Citizen thrive in a mixed system? Today i talk with Youtuber VoidyVids about why the game is the way it is, and if it could work strictly PvE.

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The intense reaction from non-PVP feels like its a reaction to how easy it is to lose everything with no fault of your own. Yea, dude got pirated and rage quits. But, I bet (I have been there), the anger is multiplied by the fact the dude just lost a load to ship despawn and two loads before his ship exploded because YOLO. - the instability of the game makes the loss so much more maddening.


If I could, I'd Opt-Out of PvP ... but since that will never be possible, all I can hope is for CIG to turn on their brains and balance that sh*t. ... Give me a damn Cargo insurance, so I loose only 20-30% of profits instead of guaranteed 100% for every damn player interaction in space.

I don't think the type of player who doesn't want any interaction at all outweighs the others. I'm pretty sure that most casual players love interaction with others but don't want to get into PvP fights.
I count myself to that group. ... I love to do group content and the interaction. But I don't want to have PvP fights. It's as easy as that.


Excluding the fact that there could (and maybe should) be PVE-only servers, there's also the major problem that the law/punishment system right now is a joke. Players who do criminal acts are NOT punished appropriately. It's way too easy to get out of jail either instantly or after just a few minutes. And without a permanent reputation system, there's no lasting effect for your criminality. CIG is aware of this & they are working on said reputation system, so we can only hope that it does the job of properly making being a criminal appropriately punished.
But as it stands right now, you can gank the hell out of players all day & suffer negligible negative consequences for it, which is NOT fair.


Screw game mechanics it’s the morality of your actions especially when you’re showing somebody something new in game and then you kill him


I am amused by the fact that voidy says prison is a consequence then talks about entertainment in prison and the ability to escape easily.

That is not a consequence that acts as a deterrence. Fine pirates 10x their bounty when they get sent to prison. Honestly that won't deter most but at least provides a high risk/high reward scenario. Right now, piracy has little to lose except time.


It sometimes feels like CIG is pushing the PvP way too hard.
For 3.19 they want to implement a PvP Hotzone mission at Ghost Hollow, the best outdoor PvE location in the entire game.
The clash of content preferences couldn´t be any more severe than this.


The lack of consequences and response in game favors pirate gameplay. Ultimately, those pirating are looking for PvP with a payout. The risk for pirates is minimal and arguing for it without the systems of reputation and criminal response is not a good argument at this time. If anyone has played Sea of Thieves it is a Pirate sandbox with the main loss is ultimately time in session. Rewards are purely cosmetic in SOT, you do not insure cargo or your ship. I like pirating in SOT but its scale is much smaller. A player in SC that spends time running cargo, mining, and salvaging typically doesn't look at another fellow as a target because they realize the time investment. Piracy is a specific mindset and if you kill off the player base that isn't in favor the only lawful players will end up being AI NPC's or a copy of EVE with Orgs dictating how the game is played. Do you play games to buy into another quasi government not IRL?


in my opinion what he did with that player was griefing no argument about that was a con job and without criminals being marked its a easy play


Voidy! You are the only other person I know who played Tachyon. Bruce Campbell's voicework was so fun!


“Not everybody’s a good Samaritan and not everybody’s a complete jerk” - Yeah some of them are complete jerks who pretend to be a good Samaritan so they can murder you later… great job trusting anybody you met after that…


It's like calling organized crime a public service. What does he do for a living?


NEver have I seen a PVPer knowingly go up against an equally skilled player. When they do, they call "cheater" because the fight wasn't easy. PVPers are just looking for easy ego building. Just ask A1.


@voidyvids no offense but freelancer had a huge multiplayer even a whole community that has been dying out. Still now in 2023 it is still running with player owned bases etc.


What he did was clearly griefing. New players shouldn’t be taken advantage of because it kills player population. He always intended to take advantage of the relationship of new player/old player.


Im seeing a real trend in Space tomato getting chummy with griefers. A shame really, he used to make decent content.
But I guess thats what happens when youre scraping the bottom of the barrel with interview material. RIP Space.


This one made me feel real old in a visceral way only Voidy could manage


I think a fundamental flaw of the PVE/PVP debate is the idea that its a conflict that needs to be resolved. People act as if the goal is that some day every player who gets pirated will react by saying "aw shuck I sure got swindled real good. GG fellow player thank you for the excellent and legitimate piracy gameplay" That's obviously never going to happen and it doesn't need to. It doesnt matter if people get pissed and go on a spectrum rant about how much they hate PVP the one time a year that they actually happen to see a player pirate. Remember the same people have been making those rants for years and are still playing. Its not actually driving people away people are just dramatic and like to vent.

Not to mention even if you did get rid of PVP combat that would not satisfy the "we need a PVE server" people because what they want isnt PVE they want a SC creative mode. Does anyone actually think that the guy talking about crying when he loses a cargo haul is going to be perfectly happy because he lost it to an NPC instead of a player? No because its not about PVP its about losing. They dont want to lose and SC is not and should not ever be a game without the possibility of losing.


I think orgs will change the game...when an mid size org locks down a station or planet or mine area on an weekend there will salt.


Player "interactions" do not always have to encompass PvP. And yes, Star Citizen could work just fine without it being present.


It's not 2 camps, calling that guy a griefer or saying it's all good. I say, it was a disproportionally indecent behavior to use meta trust, pretending to be a person that is helping another person get into the game. I'm all for anyone robbing anyone, but not after saying "trust me, I'll show you around the game". Such chaotically evil acts will be considered high treason to the community and will put you on a special list among the lawfully good. You should absolutely be able to play the game that way, but we will not be happy with you.
