Do Deaf people make Deaf babies? #americansignlanguage #asl #coda #signlanguage

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Well that just makes sense since more people are hearing than deaf


this is true! in fact, my ASL teacher both her and her husband are born deaf but all 2-3 of her kids (+ the dog lol) are hearing.


I’m engaged to a CODA enby. His mom was not born deaf but had a severe reaction to medicine at an early enough age that she practically is. His stepdad (who married in) is the third generation of a deaf family and likely my partner’s little brother also has sensorineural hearing loss. The trait is likely passed due to a preexisting condition, specifically Waardenburg Syndrome.

They are the most loving family I could ask for, asked for my father in law’s blessing while my partner was distracted on a video call cooking. Learned the sign so I could ask because in my family asking the father is an important part of the process. FAL loves to play pranks too.


I find the small mouth sounds when signing relaxing. I can hear, but it reminds me of listening to my deaf family members gossiping in the other room growing up.


I just noticed you pop when you sign, that's my FAVORITE little manorism from signing people. Maybe it's just my mom's friends doing it when I was growing up, but it always feels so cosy


Children of deaf adults are called CODA! Just a fact I wanted to share


Thanks for your content. I have 2 autistic toddlers who are nonverbal whose therapists are teaching us a few signs so i am interested in learning asl


Dude. I was so incredibly THROWN when I just heard your voice and I didn't see the signs. I was sitting there watching your hands like ".... What?"


What amazes me is my siblings and I are HOH due to waardenburg one of the genetic causes, but everyone else in the family only get noticed/treated for hearing loss from aging or failing to protect their ears. My parents didn't notice we were HOH for the first few years of childhood, so suspect similar where a lot of HOH kids went unnoticed throughout my families history.


My second cousin and his wife are both deaf and their baby is hearing, but they couldn’t tell for a while. They were so excited when they found out he was hearing


Both my parents are hearing. My father went death due to listening to loud music without protection eventually. But I had a condition which hardened my stapies and had to get a stacyctomy to rectify the situation. I still have wicked tonightus and I'm still partially deaf in one of my ears, but I'm very grateful to be hearing again. It was very hard because nobody knew I was deaf, they thought it was mostly an attention span situation where I would have selective hearing. Hearing. Conditions not very common so it was hard to find a doctor who knew what they were looking at. It was especially hard because the deaf community wouldn't accept me, I wasn't deaf enough and I didn't quote" act deaf as they would say. I appreciate this channel and other channels like it so much.


As a hearing person I watch your videos on silent and ignore the captions so I can pay attention to you signing. You completely threw me all off when you started talking, *panic in hearing!!* 🤣🤣


Thanks to surgeries as a baby/toddler/child age. I can hear (I only had 10% hearing when I was 3) At the moment I can actually hear everything pretty well, but I still have certain problems.


There are so many ways someone be or go deaf. Genetic trait like he said, physical trauma like punctured ear drums, extremely loud noise, or immense pressure, developmental delays or abnormalities, infections, brain damage, degenerative nerve diseases. The list goes on!


Bro spoke and I almost shat myself it scared me so bad


So shocked to hear you SPEAK!
Even though I have known for a long time that you're a hearing coda, it still shocked the hell out of my ears 😂


Barbaric piece of history for you. There was once upon a time in the United States of America where they thought that if you were defective as in you had a disability, it was thought that if they fixed you so you couldn’t have children, you couldn’t pass on your disability so they would go around at force Hysterectomy or vasectomy patients that had mental health issues, regardless of where they were on the scale of severity against their will, without their consent, and without their knowledge, because they thought they knew better. I’m gonna take this moment to do a PSA the only one that knows what is best for you is yourself and your savior, it’s great to get input from other people as long as they’re not being hateful and being, and just being genuinely honest, kind, caring, and understanding. So instead of being hateful like they were in the past or freak out like they did in the past, how about we educate And become a better society that’s loving educated and aware otherwise Deb, to repeat the mistakes and the atrocities of the past unless we learn from them. And other people don’t always know what’s best for you and it’s OK to tell them to mind their own business or thank you, but no thank you, but we don’t have to be rude about it. Don’t stoop to that level.


I like the little noises you make when signing 😭 idk why they're so cute to me. Like I'm sure it's just habit from mouthing and stuff but still.


My best friend from kindergarten through high school both her parents were def but she had no hearing loss and in fact is a talented music teacher ❤


off topic but i’m forever endeared by the little sounds that happen when people are signing. like the little sighs, pops, etc. i’m hearing and taking asl classes and me and my hearing classmates do it too which i find extra interesting
