The Physics of 5G

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A video busting the myths about 5G and wifi by considering the physics underpinning how 5G microwave radiation can interact with our bodies.
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Thank you, remarkably clear and convincing demonstration for laypeople. As a radiation oncologist I knew that but always had trouble explaining it as I learned the basics a very long time ago. This video refreshed my memory. Thanks again, for your incisive and brilliant talk.


Absolutely phenomenal video, really helped me out with my Physics research assignment! Massive kudos to you sir!


Can 5G radiation be increased to the extend that it can harm people? Just like increasing volume of music system.?


The video is really amazing... But how ur are converting phone power is 50 watts ???
I can't understand it, please explain it...


How will 5G interfere with new micro-wave weather satellites? Will this cause considerable noise in densely populated areas?


Isn't 5G considered millimeter waves rather than microwaves?


What an excellent video. I knew it wasn't harmful but, didn't realise it was THAT safe. Very easy to follow


I recently climbed on top of dustbins to view stickers (15cm x 10cm) attached to lampposts (they have been stuck 5m from the ground), which have 5G transmitters installed on them. The stickers all contain a 'warning of danger' pictogram of a tower emitting waves (in black) on a yellow background within a equilateral triangle which has a black border, a 'prohibition' pictogram of a man (in black) on a white background within a red circle with a red diagonal line through it, the wording, "Radio frequency hazard", contact details for Arqiva and the site's location number.

Were 5G of no danger to human beings, why would the individuals responsible for the installation of these transmitters have stuck the aforementioned stickers beneath them? Equally, were parking restriction signs displayed in such small print and at such a distance, would it be fair to argue that they weren't designed to be reasonably viewed from the ground, and therefore informative?


You didn't consider the Specific Absorption rates. The sun emits a broad spectrum of electromagnetic bands with different wavelengths and frequencies that contribute to the total energy absorbed by humans, most notably UV poses the most threat although most is filtered by the atmosphere. 300gHz may not be ionizing, but it possesses enough energy to excite electrons inducing a reverse in spin. Over time this may be very detrimental to biological functions like oxygen transport and bonding.


Hello. I think there is a counting error:
Let's define ^ as "to the power" operator first.

So, 10^(-34) * 10^(9) =10^(9 - 34) = 10^(-25) so 10^(-24) is wrong

Of course it doesn't change the conclusion that correct value of energy is not enough to ionization of caesium.


5G is a revolutionary technological format. It includes 5G pulse wave modulation and heterodyne leading to technologies such as deepmind surgery, heterodyne EEG cloning and remote neural monitoring/networking; eg. (from what I understand of) Remote neural monitoring: 5G sets up a carrier wave to target(persons brain) as a focussed beam(Beamforming technology) through interference patterns. The reflected wave of the modulated carrier wave resonating at the EMF frequency of the target is recorded, decoded by a computer then transmitted to a user who can have their own brainwaves heterodyned. The overpowering input leads to the user hearing, seeing and feeling what the target does. This is true also of the target being projected an EMF signal, or fed back their altered EMF signal, which alters their brainwaves and brain function (This I have experienced).
Remote neural stimulation(leading to behaviour and mind control): Modulation enables a pulse of microwave to overcome the action potential of a cell wall and penetrate the body. Another use of the heterodyne mechanic enabling specific targeting within the body, eg a particular cell, whose temperature can be raised enough to trigger nervous stimulation. (Again I have experienced this)
These mechanics are not being reported in the public domain and that is making 5G a point of significant contention.
My question is, can you explain how 5G microwave frequencies might be used to structure extremely low frequency waves (ELF >0-100Hz)? Might it be possible by heterdyne and modulation? Perhaps increasing amplitude of a standing wave by combining pulses? Or would it be more simply put that 5G roll-out also includes the lower bandwidths too? I have heard the example that Ptolemny first discovered pulses of sunlight from a spinning wheel in front of a persons eyes can produce mood changes depending on how fast the wheel was spun.
