Let's Discuss a Question about Marriage that St. Thomas Aquinas did NOT ask in the Summa

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In the final part of the Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas teaches about each of the Sacraments separately with the Sacrament of Matrimony being the last he writes about. But he spends 27 questions and about 100 articles asking questions about every possible aspect of marriage you can imagine, from bigamy to divorce to slavery and vows and a number of other topics. In this video I discuss one interesting question that apparentloy never crossed St. Thomas' mind when it comes to marriage.
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I really love your channel, but I'm not sure why it took 90% of the video to get to the actual question the video is (ostensibly) about. There's also next to no discussion about it, so I can't help but feel the title is inaccurate.


As I understand st Thomas aquinas and the will of God it is reason, by which reason is how virtue is attained when acted in relation to nature. Therefore same sex marriage does not need to be discussed as it is against virtue and naturals order. As virtue cannot go against nature unless it is for glory. As also a man cannot love his offspring as a mother can. This by nature (external physical dirrefences ie. Brest feeding) can be observed as the evidence of natural offspring development and education. So in conclusion the 2 reasons of which one beign natural order cannot be attained in same sex marriage and by virtues cannot beget a "perfected by virtue" human. Of course this my understanding that can be flawed as I by no means would even pretend to speak for St. Thomas Aquinas in any matter of the spiritual and natural world. But I'm open for exchange of ideas on this topic.
