How to Use Chess Notation | Chess

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Hi, My name is Rebecca Texman with chess and I am gonna show you how quickly use and write down chess notation. So to start we have our white side and our black side. It is important that as a chess player you could, you write down both moves, both white and black. If you just write down your moves not gonna be so helpful, so let’s start. First move let’s say white makes is e4.

Now we don't write pawn e4, we just write e with a lower case letter as we can see here 4. By writing e4 we know that a pawn has been moved. Now let’s say black makes a move and it goes e5. So we write e5. The next move that y makes is Knight f3, so now we need to use our capital N f3 and let’s say black goes knight c6. So Nc6. Now let’s say white brings out its bishop, bishop B5 and you notice here how I have a capital B for the bishop a lowercase b for this square and then the number for this square. Black then proceeds in place knight f6. Now I know that this knight didn't go to f6 and that it’s this knight because it cannot go to f6, so I don't have to worry about which knight I am moving in this case.

Now let’s say white decides to capture so we would have bishop captures x knight c6 and then black decides to capture back. So we instead of writing pawn because he has to capture back with the pawn we would write d7 captures bishop c6 and then that is shown by this. Now let’s move down a couple moves, a bunch of moves have been played and it is now black white decides to castle, so white decides to castle king side to show that we do 0-0 and now black has a choice, black can either decide to castle king side or queen side so let’s say black decides to castle queen side, again we move the king two spaces, one two and the rook to the other side and we show that by 0-0-0.

Now let’s proceed we move to bunch of moves forward and there is pieces that are taken off the board, lots of things happened and let’s say now, white is ready to bring its pawn to other side to promote to a queen. White decides to go f8 becoming a queen and it is a check, so let’s figure out how to write that we have our pawn goes back moved from f7 moves to f8 equals q4 queen and since it is a check, we put a plus sign for check. This game is far from over but these are just the quick basics on how to record your chess notation.
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I've played chess for 26 years and today I finally looked into Notation


Great how the last pawn promote to queen check notation was blocked out by the suggested playlist. Didn't have enough problems reading upside down.


I used to write down all my games like this, but I eventually got a DGT board. Makes things so much easier as it records your games for you. By the way, I've never seen captures written such that the captured piece is included in the notation. Usually #4 would be written Bxc6 in standard algebraic chess notation.


!=good move
?=bad move
??= blunder
!!= brilliant move
#= checkmate
+ = check

hope it helps


As a frequent Chess player, this algebraic notation lesson hurts so much.
1. A bishop capturing a knight on c6 would be written as Bxc6. Not BxNc6.
2. When a pawn makes a capture, it is written with only the letter of the file it is on. Not the square. For example a Pawn on the e2 making a capture on c3 for example would be written as exc3 instead of e2xc3.
3. Pawn promotions are not written with the original original square the pawn was on. A promotion to a queen on e8 for example that results in a check would be written as e8=Q+.


And she didn’t mention it, but to indicate checkmate, you use a hashtag (#)


Honestly, best video for chess notations. Always wondered how to do it, I’m in my first tournament in two days and have played for years. Finding a video shorter than 5 minutes was an awesome help. Straight to the point.


The comments have taught me more than the video has


You castle like me. Hop hop goes the King instead of King sliding over. Great job. So clear. I've always used the old way and still have my old books. This way is better. I was kinda stubborn with the old style.


I’m so glad the most complicated one to write was at the end and covered by the next suggested video and helped non . Great video . Plus it’s upside down. To us z


If a white bishop captures a knight on c6 it would actually be written as Bxc6


Don’t think you need to write say d7xBc6, just note it with dxc6. In the case of BxNc6, just Bxc6 will do


I use d2-d4 when moving my pawn. d2xc3 when capturing. d7-d8/Q when promoting a pawn to queen. Also e.p. for en passant.
ch=check, dis ch=discovered check, dbl ch=double check, !=good move, ?=bad move.


It was so clear. In my humble opinion you can include more situations. E.g. specials pawns movements, good movements...


what about if the pawn was captured using a passpawn?what is the sign? answer pls... Thanks for the notations


Since you are using the algebraic chess notation, I wonder if in English speaking countries people ever used the descriptive chess notation so much used in Spanish speaking countries. Thank you for your videos.


I couldn't see the last move because of the video which appear, can anyone tell me what did she write??


Thank you for this video. I have always though chess notation was an absolute account for a pieces position every move but it turns out it is a simply a record of movement.


thank you for teaching me how to write in chess


You don't need to put which piece is gertting captured. For example you wrote down d7xBc6, but it could be put as dxc6.
