Houston Cosmetic Dentist...Overwhelming Reaction from Snap-On Smile to Lumineers!

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Houston cosmetic dentist, Dr.Terri Alani , the TexasToothLady, shows how this patient is overwhelmed with her Lumineers! She had worn Snap-on Smile for 5 years and now transitioned to veneers/Lumineers after saving money....and her reaction is priceless! Changing lives one smile at a time:)
Houston Cosmetic Dentist...Overwhelming Reaction from Snap-On Smile to Lumineers!
Houston Cosmetic Dentist ...Overwhelming reaction with Snap-on Smile!
Houston Cosmetic Dentist...the best ever reaction....closing gaps and a whiter smile!
Houston Cosmetic Dentist...Patients reaction to her New Lumineers!
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