10 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

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10 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained compilation. 10 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

10 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained compilation. 10 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

Unsolved mysteries interests many us, leaving us in awe of the mysteries of the world.

The thrill of encountering the unknown is exhilarating. Unsolved mysteries offer a sense of adventure and excitement as we delve into the realms of the unexplained, where anything is possible. This thrill keeps us engaged and eager to uncover answers.

Some unsolved mysteries involve unexplained phenomena.

They tap into our fascination with the unknown, and the possibility of dimensions beyond our understanding.

So today, we take a look at these 10 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained!

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Almost unwatchable. Feel like most of the words are filler. Like why would you say Orlando longmeyer 22 times in 3 minutes of story telling. The rest of it was just paraphrasing the previous sentence 5 times.


50:30 " the deep sea is the largest museum on Earth " I like that


I love these compilations but damn your putting them out like crazy these past few days.


Thank you for your amazing channel. Nuff Respect from


Wishing everyone a blessed thanksgiving praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Truly awe-inspiring and breathtakingly informative as always, such as ive learnt to expect from your channel 😮😮😊


Y’all might think this is stupid…but I have no urge to discover whether the Yeti, Big Foot, Skunk Ape exist…I say live and let live. There’s obviously not many of them left so why don’t we let them be??? They have no interest to be found. I think it’s cruel to continue to seek them out. On top of that they might now exist at all…I believe they do. But idc to disrupt their lives to appease my curiosity…🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Just how I feel.
Y’all be good!!
✌🏼✌🏼🫶🏼Peace y’all🫶🏼✌🏼✌🏼


What would we do if we watched an episode...and it was about you me or whoever at that time watching.Stranger things have happened


They should start calling this unsolved missing people instead of unsolved mystery .


33:55 That's NOT what the Ancient Greeks meant by 'daemons' dmbss!


You use the word "enigmatic" too frequently and often incorrectly.


The narrator repeats the same information over and over.


Putin is not the first to want a army completely loyal to him that would die without question. I have heard this story before but Putin wasn't even born yet. I think it was Stalin that was trying to do that same thing.


Thank you God for all your blessings to me and my family for the strength you give me each day and for all the people around me who make life more meaningful praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all


Re: The ark, archaeologists believe they may have discovered the final location of Noah's Ark on Turkey's Mount Ararat. Soil samples from atop the highest peaks in Turkey reveal human activity and marine materials. Dating of the rock and soil from the location match with Biblical timing of Noah's Ark


I used to live in Tampa and it's one of the biggest hubs for human trafficking in the country, Nebraska Ave is not something I would describe as "vibrant" unless that means strip clubs and crack heads


i have a gut feeling about the nature of all the National Park missing persons .. but i keep it to myself due to it being hard to swallow by the average person .... Those that know, know . I say no more


A tomb is a morbid thing to worship?
Just like worshipping a means of putting the innocent perfect life of Christ, the Messiah, to Death upon? It would be as bad as worshipping a Gun, or Saber?
God's own Law forbids us from worshipping any idols!
The GIFT that Jehovah God Provided to humans is the perfect everlasting life that Adam, the first man, lost. We inherited that sin from Adam.
Through God's firstborn of all Creation, his Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the Ransom by Sacraficing his Perfect everlasting life for Every single person living, who ever lived and died, and the future lives of those who would come and believe in him and accept that free gift? They too would have the opportunity to once again live forever.
Our sins are paid when we die and we are guaranteed a Resurrection on Earth to become part of Jehovah's Kingdom under Jesus Christ's rule as the King of God's Kingdom here on Earth as he rules from Heaven during his Thousand year Reign. Meanwhile Satan and his demons will have no influence on mankind as we reach perfection.
God's original purpose for mankind will come to be fulfilled.
The final Judgement and test will be the same question posed to Eve in the Garden many Centuries ago.
Can mankind rule himself and be happy and perfect without the intervention of Jehovah God?
According to the Scriptures there will be as many as the number as the sands of the sea who choose to side against God?
However, history will not repeat itself. This is the second Death.
A permanent disappearance and vanishing like ashes and dust.
Remember, in the Scriptures the Prophets remind us that God never intended to pass mankind through fire. Nor does God test men with evil things?
Jesus actually exposed Satan the Devil for who he really was!
Before Jesus preached mankind really didn't have all the knowledge about who Satan was? Or the other god's? They were demons. And Satan had control over the World and the political powers of the world. God constantly warned his Prophets, his Judges, and Kings not to seek the advice of Diviners, witches, soothsayers and Astrologers. Nor to look for Omens? He also warned not to worship Angels! Even the Angels who came as messengers told those who bowed to them not to do that? Most of the time, Jesus was the one delivering messages.
He was the WORD of God.
In Genesis, " They " Created. Men in God's image. Jesus truly is God's Son. He said he was. And he never lied. He prayed to his Father when he was in human form?
He was the perfect representation of God on Earth. As God's firstborn Son, who else would be?
In a human form he would understand humankind's mind and body and limitations. Being the perfect mediator to his Father after his ascent into Heaven to so that no longer would there ever again be any need for any Sacrafice for our Prayers to be heard?
We can now pray anytime, anywhere, and God will hear our prayers through Jesus.
That is a FREE GIFT.
Just imagine all the burdens lifted from us by his unselfish sacrafice?
And we can't earn it?
It is a Free Gift!
You only have to open your heart and believe?


Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and that he rose again the third day praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all 🙏🙌🙌🙏


May God bless all of us true blue righteous soldiers!!!
