Zakir Hussain & Rakesh Chaurasia | EtnoKraków/Rozstaje 2015 | Crossroads Festival & Euroradio EBU

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[English info below] ZAKIR HUSSAIN to jedna z niekwestionowanych legend world music, wirtuoz gry na tabli, artysta koncertujący i nagrywający z największymi sławami, również scen jazzowych.
Jego ojcem był słynny muzyk Ustad Alla Rakha. Dzięki ojcu Zakir uczył się gry na instrumentach od najwcześniejszego dzieciństwa. Występował już jako kilkunastolatek. W wieku dziewiętnastu lat po raz pierwszy wyjechał do Stanów Zjednoczonych, koncertując u boku Raviego Shankara.
Publiczność pamięta doskonale wybitne płyty Hussaina, z albumem „Making Music” nagranym dla słynnej wytwórni ECM na czele. Krążek ten bywa uznawany za jedną z najwspanialszych muzycznych fuzji Wschodu i Zachodu. Partnerami lidera byli tam John McLaughlin, Jan Garbarek i legendarny Hariprasad Chaurasia – wuj Rakesha, którego usłyszymy w Krakowie.
Koncert odbył się w Sali Audytoryjnej ICE Kraków 8 lipca 2015.

Zakir Hussain - tabla, instrumenty perkusyjne
Rakesh Chaurasia - bansouri

ZAKIR HUSSAIN is undoubtedly one of the greatest legends of world music, virtuoso of the tabla, and artist who tours and
records with many other acclaimed musicians, including those form the world of jazz.
His father was the famous musician Ustad Alla Rakha. Thanks to his father, Zakir learned to play musical instruments from his youngest days. He started performing as a teenager, and when he was 19 years old, he travelled to the US for the first time, appearing alongside Ravi Shankar.
Audiences remember Hussain’s acclaimed albums, especially “Making Music” recorded for the famous ECM label. It is regarded as one of the finest musical fusions of the East and the West. Hussain was accompanied by John McLaughlin, Jan Garbarek and the legendary Hariprasad Chaurasia – uncle of Rakesh, who joins Hussain in Kraków.
Hussain has worked with McLaughlin many times, for example when creating recordings with his groups Shakti and Remember Shakti. He also worked alongside Bill Laswell, leading the group Tabla Beat Science bringing together acclaimed tablists and percussionists. He has also co-created the outstanding projects Planete Drum and Global Drum, and worked with some of the greatest musicians of all time, from George Harrison and Van Morrison to Pharoah Sanders and Charles Lloyd. He is a living legend himself.
RAKESH CHAURASIA is more than just a nephew of Hariprasad Chaurasia – he is also one of his most talented pupils. He plays the bansouri, a traditional South Asian bamboo flute. He has worked with musicians including Talvin Singh, participated in recording dozens of albums, and he leads the RAF ensemble – Rakesh and Friends.
Recorded at ICE Kraków 08.07.2015.

Zakir Hussain - tabla, percussion instruments
Rakesh Chaurasia - bansouri

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Leaving this comment so I'll remember to listen to this masterpiece if and whenever someone likes it❤


I came to listen to Zakir Hussain, but I was completely mesmerized by Rakesh Chaurasia! I have never heard a flute sound like that. Fantastic!


Love you India! Greetings from Brazil !! Shiva lives!!!


Ustad Zakir Hussain himself an Everest in terms of performance. For the first 9 mins, he was totally immersed in listening & experiencing the divinity from Rakesh sir.

India's culture is still alive because these handful guys..
God bless these guys as the entire world needs them..


Oh boy! I was searching for music to help me fall asleep, I came across this and lost all my sleep... now is 5am 🤣 I don’t want to close my eyes because I want to watch this talent. What a gift!


Every time i listen to them i feel like i become part of the universe. Love you India! Your music and culture is a bridge between the human soul and the universe. Love from Azerbaijan🇦🇿


Future generation one suggestion please listen to this masterpiece more often. This is heaven


Feel proud to be Indian.. India will produce worldclass musician, scientist, sportsperson and good human being on the face of earth. Jai Hind. 🇮🇳🇮🇳


I'm Japanese.
I never get tired of this performance.
I play the Japanese bamboo flute.
A heavy sound floating feeling, and a little melancholy.
It seems to tell you where the soul is.

(Thank you so much.)


My India may have some poor people, we can overcome it at some time. But, this wealth of my Civilization, we are already a rich nation. I Love India.. & respect universe..🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


Two sons of Mother Saraswati. I have no words to praise. Two precious gems of India.


Joy, Peace, Exhilaration, Bliss, Tears!!!
Why do people even bother taking drugs when such music is available?!


I am from Kenya, East Africa.. I was probably 8 years old when i heard the Indian drums and flute for the first time- I constantly fell deeply in love! I have been touched by music- all sorts of music but the Flute and the Indian drums stir magical emotions deep in my soul... It touches a cord that I can't explain.. it's spiritual/ ethereal... I


yes this is what a 5000 year old civilization sounds like! mesmerizing


Zakir Hussain's eye almost look unfocused as he plays. As if he's giving all of his energy and senses to his hands and letting the music drive HIM. Amazing to watch. Pure dharma chops.


Maturity is what when you realise you should always appreciate Classical music 🤞🏻😇


You clicked the video to watch Zakir Hussain ended up becoming a fan of Rakesh Chaurasia too.


This is fabulous, I am speechless, Indian music and culture are beautiful, namasté from France ❤🌺


أنا من عشاق الفن الهندي من موسيقى و أفلام . الشعب الهندي شعب عريق و ذو حضارة راقية و حكيمة . مع كل الحب من الجزائر


This old guy from USA loves all of this mind candy. God bless and keep playing
