Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group ONE Goteborg, Sweden arrival b-roll

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Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group ONE (SNMCMG1) arrives in Goteborg, Sweden, for a port visit 01 May 2015. Ships presently assigned to SNMCMG1 include flagship FGS DONAU (Germany - A516), BNS LOBELIA (Belgium - M921), HMS QUORN (UK - M41), FGS AUERBACH (Germany - M1093), HNLMS WILLEMSTAD (Netherlands - M864), OPR NEWA (Poland - 623), and HNOMS RAUMA (Norway - M352). SNMCMG1 is in port for a period of rest and recreation following participation in Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 151. Following the port visit, SNMCMG1 will continue its operations in the Baltic Sea. Video by Commander David Benham, U.S. Navy. Released.