Puscifer - The Humbling River with Lyrics

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My daughter died of an overdose. This is the last song on her playlist. I saw her journal from years ago among her belongings.She struggled with her addiction and sometimes it seemed she was conquering. We tried to reach for her for years. "The hands of many must join as one and together we'll cross the river" please love your neighbor as yourself.


“I finally see the truth in your words megatron, this universe, no matter how vast, will never be big enough for you and I to coexist”


My sister just passed away in July 2023. We are Loyal Shawnee Tribe. We believe when you pass on, you have to cross a river and on the other side is all of your passed loved ones. RIP Ashley Leanne Malek, drugs suck!!!!


Whoever needs this. You're so much stronger than you know. I can feel your energy across this digital chasm. I am here for you.


Puscifer: can't cross the river
A Perfect Circle: float on down the river


"I've conquered country, crown, and throne." sums up Starscream nicely


Kinda ironic how a song with an ending about coming together to get over "the river" has people arguing about the true meaning. To me, the song means all of the things people have suggested, with the river being all of these different opinions and people to come together and just agree for once. "It'll take a lot more than words and guns" "a whole lot more than riches and muscle". It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, how strong or rich you are or whether you believe in a god. The greatest challenge for anyone to face is acceptance of themselves and each other, and until that happens we'll never cross "the river" that is the final filter to bring peace to humanity.


Whether you are a Christian, Atheist or whatever....can we all agree that this is a beautiful song?


There was a King who had everything a man could strive for. His achievements were many and his failures were few. There were grandiose stories, documenting his many glories. But none as somber as the one I tell you now. His kingdom was vast, reaching from sea to sea. They called him a conqueror, a liberator and even a god to be. He charged into every battle, fearless and ruthless, never fleeing and always victorious. His wife of many years had given him three sons to carry on his name. The people would chant 'long live the king' and may his dynasty forever reign. This King did things no one thought possible, amassing great riches and fame across the nation. No army, no castle, no man stood a chance against him. Until he came across the simple river in the woodlands. This river did not care for his titles, his might or his status. And despite his best efforts, the river opposed him. The King had no reason to cross the river other than pride, but that was enough for him to become crazed in the eye. He braved the fiercest storms and survived the most vicious battles, but this river somehow stopped him. His servants could hear him cry out in the night. Angel, angel what have I done? I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire. I've conquered country, crown and throne. Why can't I cross this river?. Whispers began to spread of the king, people joked that a mere body of water had bested their mighty ruler. He grew obsessed with that river, driven to cross it at any and all costs. He had his builders build a bridge, but the river took it down. He had his soldiers brave the current, but all were lost and drowned. He had his priests pray for God's assistance, but none was ever given. Each time, they were repelled by the river and with every attempt, the king grew more agitated. He had his learned friends research the history of the river, but they found nothing of note. It was a simple river, nothing more, they urged. The King's sons constantly squabbled over the throne that would one day be theirs and saw the river as an opportunity to win their father's favor. The eldest son was the bravest and he stepped boldly into the current, but his valor could not save his life from the raging water. The middle son was intelligent and built a contraption to get across, but it failed and he was washed away with his creation. The youngest was lazy and had the river filled with boulders, but they gave way as soon as he stepped upon them. The King's three sons perished in that water and it was too much for the queen to bear, so on the night of the final funeral, she threw herself into the river. The King's obsession with the river only worsened as he drained his kingdom of all its resources in an effort to find a way to the other side. His people started to turn against him as his sanity unraveled. Those most loyal assured they'd think no less of him if he were to give up this foolhardy pursuit. But he continued to refuse. A fortnight after his wife had thrown away her life, the kingdom was gathered on the bank as the King proclaimed he would cross it himself, ordering no one to come to his aide. He believed the river to be alive and that it was testing his resolve . And on the morning of that fateful day, he was ready to risk it all. But as he prepared for the dangerous trek, a peasant girl slipped and fell in. She gripped onto a rock as the river fought hard to pull her all the way in. She cried and she screamed, but the King remained still, uncaring for her young life. But then a boy in rags stepped forward, calling out for the girl who he named his sister. He tried jumping in, but was grabbed by a soldier and told he would perish, but the boy kept trying to get to her. 'If I am to die then I will die, but I will not stand idly by, ' the boy boldly proclaimed. And so he dove in, that peasant boy with no name. The crowd watched in awe as he arose from the thunderous current, his feet gripping the muck that lie beneath the surface. With all his strength, he pulled himself across and snatched his sister from the slippery wet rocks. When they made it to the other side, the King shouted witchcraft and demanded that the boy must die. His archers looked around, but did not raise their bows. He shouted and shouted, but no one did as they were told. The King was alone, feeling betrayed. And in a fit of rage, he jumped into the river, following that peasant boy with no name. He thrashed around & grunted as he pushed his way across, but just as he reached the other side, he met the young boy's gaze. The boy reached out to give the King a hand, the King who had just demanded his life. The angry King scoffed and pushed him away, grabbing a nearby tree branch to haul himself onto the river bank. The branch, well it snapped and the river sucked him back in. The crowd let out a gasp, but not a single one jumped in. As the water pushed the King beneath its waves and he took his final breath, he dwelled on all that he had lost in the recent past. His crown, his people, his wealth and his lands. His kingdom, his family and his legacy with them. This river had taken his mind and on that fateful day, the river would claim his life. And as he sank below the raging current, he saw one final sight... That peasant boy with no name and his sister by his side. Now they tell stories about that river and the nameless boy who dared to cross it. They sing of a king who was once called great, but the river in the woodlands had stolen all he attained. To this day, only those of pure heart can cross the humbling river, all others will be swept away.


People: "I love Puscifer"
Transformers fans: (Chanting) "THE HANDS OF MANY MUST JOIN AS ONE"


I have a friend of many years who had two sons and a daughter. She and her family lived at the bank of a mighty river just like this one. Her children grew listening to the rush of waters and often we're lulled to sleep at it's bank.

As her oldest son grew up, he became a strong hiker, climber and outdoorsman. After first responder training or kyack lessons, he would often swim across the river to make his way back home. His white water kyack skills were second to none and he was known through out the state even featured in professional videos.

After returning from a white water trip out of the country, his home river took him away in his prime. He was lost to the raging white waters he loved so much. On the day we painted kyack stylized rocks in his honor, to give to his family, this song randomly appeared on a music app we were listening to. I will never forget the moment; I had never even heard of the band Puscifer nor had I ever heard the song Humbling River. Never had a song fit more deeply or in as mysterious and beautiful a way. Whenever I listen to it I think of my friend and the son she lost, to the mighty humbling river.


People: "I love Puscifer"
Transformers fans: *TILL ALL ARE ONE*


I feel like a lot of Transformers fans (me included) really connect to this song. And as I’m writing this it is a wonderful known as 2020. I just want to remind us that we can all pass our struggles and hardships together. And make it to the other side of this humbling river.

Till all are one.


I'm seeing a lot of arguments against the religious and atheist. Well I wont tell you what I am, but when I heard this song, I did not think of either, I thought of humanity as a whole and our internal struggle.


"METROPLEX HEEDS THE CALL OF THE LAST PRIME" Best line in video game history


This song... always gives me chills.

No matter how many times I've heard it, this songs tells the story of our evolution as a species and culture. The power of this song blinds me.


Though I’m sure there are many interpretations, this song speaks to me as a unity call for humanity and at a time when I feel more disconnected from humanity/society than ever, it’s a beautiful reminder to hold hands through all our problems and survive together.


This song is so rich in meaning. Even prophetic. So many layers. Words are powerful.


"Till all are one"
"Metroplex heeds the call of the last prime"
Literal chills


I've been a Tool fan for 17 years and NEVER heard this song. I was always one of those "Puscifer is hit or miss for me" Dudes.

This is simply amazing. What a song.