4x4 Festival in Kostroma Region, Russia: Abandoned Churches & Off-Roading in UAZ Bukhanka

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Hi guys! In this fun video, you will see our adventures during the unique "Total Chukhloma" Festival that takes place in Rural Russia. During 3 days in November 2020, more than 250 fully-equipped vehicles challenged themselves and local roads trying to visit weird and authentic landmarks of the region... abandoned villages, half-ruined churches, and paving roads that are used only by timber tracks nowadays.

Kostroma region was flourishing many years ago... now its beauty slowly fades away year by year. Pine trees grow at the roofs of once-great churches with boarded-up doors and tumble-down domes. Nowadays, young people leave the region, senior people die, so more and more houses stay empty with an old and dusty treasure of the past epoch. The Festival is perfect to experience life in the countryside and feels the vibes of rural Russia even for us...

Driving local roads becomes a challenge when you move out from the main (and single) asphalt road. You understand quickly that timber roads are not the worse choice if you travel to a remote village. It's much better than an impassable forest or deep ford that can stop any 4x4 vehicle!

We had 13 people in our crew and two vehicles: our lovely UAZ 452 (Buhanka), a unique 4x4 minivan, and UAZ Hunter. Both cars were great! Of course, we spent hours trying to drive through local roads using winches and sometimes all four shovels! Nice way to overcome burnout (a typical problem for our teammates).

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Que tan pantanoso tiene que ser el camino.

Uaz Hunter, UAZ Bukhanka: Si 🗿🗿


The Russian Tigre forest is the countries best defensive feature. Outsiders always underestimate just how big the place is and how difficult it is to traverse when not frozen solid. Then there is the cold to contend with and deep snow! The place is beautiful for sure but also treacherous too. I wonder how many people have ventured off the beaten track, to never be seen again. The bears, wolves and wolverines are always grateful for some extra protein.


I have no idea what the music is saying but lol fkn awesome✌️💪🤙👍


What a beautiful video! So good to see the surroundings and not only endless mudshots. I enjoyed the selection of music, in the West you never get to hear anything about Russian rock and pop music. And the guy in green with the gopro has an absolutely spectacular voice when he is chanting in the church, hard to say whether he was just parodying or actually knows the style, it was just beautiful.


So basically this is the Russian Gambler 500 lol. I love it!


Thanks for inspiring me! Now I've to get an UAZ Bukhanka and start exploring :-)


I have to go and look up in the dictionary "nastojaschina"... what was it again?

Droneshots of monastry and village were wonderful, realy!


Got to love the Bukhanka and Russia....one of these days, one if these days! 😉😎

Greetings from a Swede in Glasgow, Scotland....🤜🏻🤛🏻🍻


I wish we could get those vans in the USA!


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