Hogner: This was very disappointing for investors.

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Eirik Hogner, Partner and Deputy Portfolio Manager at Clean Energy Transition, expresses disappointment in the investor reaction to Elon Musk's Cybercab reveal, highlighting unmet expectations for autonomous technology and the vehicle's pricing.
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I think it's important to stick to stocks that are immune to economic policies. AI stocks that have the potential to power and transform future technologies. It seems AI is the trajectory most companies are taking, including even established FAANG companies. Maybe there are other recommendations?


I've been an investor in Apple, gold, housing market as well because I strongly believe in them, I've always believed in the stock but now I don't know if to re-distribute my portfolio and put some money in Nvidia or Tesla especially now that we are experiencing a market correction


I’m rooting for TSLA ………..but sadly unimpressed


Lol all the Stans have their panties in the twist.


Actually the event was amazing. Technology shown there was great and as usual went above the head of MOST analysts.
All they saw was a 2 seater vehicle. Arguing it should have been a 4 seater vehicle. Why? When a person orders one it would waste 3 seats of dead weight lowering its transport efficiency and making it hard/complex to clean. Analysts just did not see the big picture and how it will all fit together.
Next argument was that it had painted tires. And they were scoffing at that, worthy of a clickbait article report title. Seriously, you are focusing on that? WHAT???? Those were quality tires, and having them painted only improves the overall look. Everyone ignored that it had very comfortable seats with plenty of leg room allowing you to enjoy the ride and/or focus on other things while it is driving. And that it has a huge trunk in the back. Or that it wirelessly charges whenever it is parked waiting for new customers. If they had anything to critique about it should have been that. Charging infrastructure.
Then they focused on Robo Van how its skirt is almost touching the floor. Yeah of course it is, as it was in a lowered suspension state to offload passengers at low speed. When it travels at higher speeds it lifts up. Duh.
After that they focused on the robots how they were tele operated. OF COURSE THEY WERE. Tesla is focusing on factory floor AI model first. After that they will need at the very least Grok 2.5 for social interaction, and completely new AI model for domestic and other uses. This is still years away. The point was the amazing hardware.
How people were expecting a full LLM already trained when the servers for training barely went online recently, and somehow have a model for domestic and social gatherings already pretrained. Failure in logic or at the very least stupid thinking.
Everything shown today is at least 2 years away. It was not an iPhone event where Apple says that you can purchase one today, yet they treated it as such. Why?


Investors disappointed by Musk's vaporware? Shocking!


Elon brings a new stink to Tesla.
Nobody wants to be seen in a smelly stinky car, no matter how good it is.


It was dissapointing for wall street 🤡- that only care about the next quarter-for long time investors it was good 👍 👌 😅


The guy shorts Tesla. That is all we need to know. The energy sector of Tesla is going to wipe this guys short positions off the floor 😂


I disagree, this event was superb. As an investor i could not be more pleased.
But then Wall st has never understood Tesla, whiçh gives me the chance to buy more at a great price. 😂


declare this man as a short before you let him spew


I have jut heard that those morons at Clean Energy Transition were the biggest TSLA shorts these days... and potentially down over $1B! Love it! They should clearly look for another industry to invest in, as they clearly do not understand the clean energy transition... and even less Tesla's FSD! Maybe they could understand the dynamics of Disney?

On my modest side, my TSLA portfolio is up over $800'000 in the last 30 days! Up 18 times on my <$20 average acquisition price, and up 105 times on my initial investment!


🤣Funny. Its all up to lawmakers. Elon has a vision, nothing new there.


If Ford had this type of an event the internet would be blazing with high praise. Sad that Tesla is treated this way with such high expectations to change the world overnight! That’s ok, you all can dump your money into companies like ford, Nio and rivian, while us diamond hand holders take this to the next level.


Fsd subscription to all car models.. It's incredibly profitable. Even if u don't use full Fsd parents will want to make sure kids are safe. Ppl can buy a robot and rent it out. Elon can create a separate insurance company which deals with their insurance and profit even more because they have all the data.. They can predict who is a liability and who is not


Leon is a showman with nothing to show.
The observed differences in both structural and functional neuroanatomy between ketamine users and controls may explain some of its long-term cognitive and psychiatric side effects, such as memory impairment and executive functioning. Given the effect that long-term ketamine exposure may yield, an effort should be made to curb its abuse.

Keywords: ketamine, drug abuse, side effects, gray matter volume, white matter volume, connectivity


For gods sake this guy has very large short positions so it’s no wonder he says what he says


Investors have grown weary and wary of *leon


wait till musk and trump lose both after the 2024 election 😂


Overpromising and under deliver.

Filled with hot air.

Looks like he was just lucky the first time.

Probably should retire now, before he actually turns into Trump.

(Losing money compared to doing nothing)
