Staying ahead of the curve | Trisha Gee | #LeadDevLondon 2015

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We all want to stay ahead of the curve – after all, that’s what you go to a conference for. But have you ever considered how being ahead of the curve might be dangerous?

Using a new language before you understand it, putting technology into production so you can learn it, abandoning “old practices” before you’ve got the benefit from them… These things are common practice, under the guise of Progress and Keeping Up To Date.

But while we shouldn’t be running around like headless chickens chasing the next Shiny New Thing, we do need to see to our Continuous Learning and, of course, we should Embrace Change.

How do we balance these two extremes? And how do we see to our own growth and learning as techies while meeting the needs of our project, team and organisation?

About Trisha Gee

Trisha has expertise in Java high-performance systems, is passionate about community in tech, and dabbles with Open Source development.
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"Ahead of the curve" "Java" 🤨
