Exploring Docker [1] - Getting Started

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In this video we will start to explore docker by talking about the benefits of Docker, looking at commands to work with containers and images, the Dockerfile and more


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There are 2 videos right now, this and the Node/Mongo setup. Let me know of any other Docker tutorials you would like added to the series as far as environment setup, etc (LAMP, Wordpress, Django, etc)


I just want to mention, I am not pushing Docker or any tech ever on anyone. Some people take me making a tutorial as "You now have to use this". That is not my style. Please never feel like you HAVE to use anything anyone says (Unless it is your boss lol). Do what is best for your workflow. Do not get pressured by the industry that is constantly throwing tech at you. I am going to do a video on this subject soon


One small analogy that helped me understand the difference between images and containers was consider images like the blueprints, containers are the actual house. You can't build the house without the blueprints (i.e. you need to download the image). Starting a container is like building the house and unlocking the door. Stopping a container is like locking the door. Deleting a container is like tearing the house down.


For windows user: be sure to allow docker to share your drive with guests vm:
right click on your docker icon into the toolbar -> setting -> shared drives -> check the drive you want to share.
To refer your current working directory (pwd) use *${pwd}* instead of *$(pwd)* (tested on PowerShell)
Thanks Brad, awesome job as always


Best Docker intro I've seen yet. I've been trying to hit the ground running implementing Docker, but realised I needed to get a better understating of it. This video hit the spot. THANKS!


you have a gift, i must've read countless articles on docker but have never fully grasped the idea until your video, thank you so much for this


@Traversy Media - This video is brilliant; you've made the setup of Docker so much clearer than just about all of the tutorials/walkthroughs I'd previously tried. - I'd just about given up due to other pressing matters, but you've been able to cut straight to the quick, allowing me to get going with it in a practical setting. Thank you Brad!


I've watched at least a dozen intro Docker videos, and this is by far the best because you take the time to explain every command as you go! Perhaps counter-intuitive, but seeing the mistakes you make and how you fix them is also excellent. Thanks! You get my thumbs up, and subscription.


You're the man Brad. It's so inspiring to see you keep up to date with tech whilst being an awesome teacher as well. Since I'm a student you're the only one I'm currently a patron to and I'm feeling great when I see that monthly transaction to you, knowing that by helping you, you're helping me and hundreds of thousands of other programming students. You're a true source of inpiration!


Your tutorials are by far the easiest to follow and actually understand! Thank you!


This was incredibly helpful and valuable, thank you. I may keep you on x2 speed and pause to google questions you answer 2 minutes later but you're the best in the biz. I couldn't even figure out how to phrase a google question of editing files in a docker and I didn't get any results, then I gave up and resumed your vid and you're like "I'm sure you guys are wondering how to edit files in the docker, you can actually bash in".


I have been using Docker for a few months now and I just wish I would have had this video available when I stated. Your presentation style is absolutely the outstanding, there is no pretense just practical information.


Bless you my man!!! you did a much better job than most who claim to be teachers of docker. thank


Dear Brad, I have watched a number of videos on the use of containers and couldn't fully understand the need and advantages of using them. But the first 3 minutes of this video totally enlightened me. Thanks so much for the simple and clear explanation!


As before, very clear and explanations on a subject that might appear mysterious to a beginner (like me!). Thank you so much for offering this treasure trove of tutorials on your channel. Great Content!


I have been following this channel for a while, and today I can not thank you enough for your explanation on docker. You just helped me survive my cs program.


You make some of the best tutorials in the entirety of tech youtube. You always give me just enough information to hit the ground running. Love it!


To follow this tutorial, I had to go through a lot of work.

I had to update my windows 10 home to latest version (never updated my windows 10 for last 3 years). Took 5 hours.

Then I had to convert it to the pro version of windows 10.

And also, fix some of the inconsistencies that arised with my already installed software. (basically docker will work without it)

After doing all this, I say that it was one of the turning points where you push the boundaries and enter into a different league of development.

Edit: ***all the thanks to this video***


I can't thank you enough, your bootstrap and JS courses have helped me tremendously. Lucky to have a person like you, thanks Brad.


I'm a windows 10 user and it took me around 1 hour to mount an image. Thanks to the help of the comments here and forums. This is what you need to do:

Go to Docker settings -> General. Check Expose Daemon on tcp....
Go to Shared Drivers and check your drive(s) you want to share. Sometimes you check and it unchecks back. Check it once and even it seems unchecked, reboot Docker. That might help
Instead of $(pwd), use /c/...your route instead. For example, I typed this:

container run -d -p 8080:80 -v --name nginx-website2 nginx

And now it works.
