THIRD LEAK: Season Pass, Emotions, More (Project Rene- Sims)

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There's been a third leak for Project Rene- this time with details about the hub, preteens, live mode gameplay, multiplayer mode, season passes, and a store for dlc packs. Plus, features for character creation and cc integration.
It's becoming more and more confusing news for the sims franchise, and I don't know what to think about these updates and previews anymore.

Full Credit to Sims Community For Timely Reporting:
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For reference “TweenMaker” is most likely referring to a game dev term for a command that makes UI elements move smoothly around the screen. So like instead of a notification popping up like it does in ts4, it would slide out the side like in ts2 if that makes sense.


The more I hear about Renee, the more I accept that it isn't for me, it is not something I'm going to participate in.


These leaks just keep confirming that I will not want to support It.


If i'm reading into this right, they are basically bringing back IMVU but make it sims.


Season Passes...yuck. Okay. Project Rene is definitely not a game for me.


I will never play or support a game that includes microtransactions, loot boxes, or season passes. I am strongly opposed to these predatory monetization schemes. I hope it flops.


Imagine your dad tells you:, ,DO NOT STICK YOUR HAND INTO THAT FRYER EVER AGAIN” and then, you proceed to fire up that good ol fryer once more in front of his eyes. This is what EA is doing.


I cannot see myself touching whatever Rene ends up being.. but weekly events? They don’t even work in TS4 NOW!? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


So basically the happy at home and this grim reaper event that's going on now in the sims 4 is to get us accustomed to the microtransactions that's coming with Project Renee. They're trying to ease the blow by giving us a free version of a battlepass


Apologies my commentary isn't that great here 😆 I need some time to collect my thoughts... feeling both overwhelmed and confused. also sorry for being "late" appreciate you all!


the more i hear about this game the least i want to


At the end they are trashing the core fans who grew up with the game for the new kids by emulating roblox and new games gen z and gen alpha are used to. All wrapped in mediocre and unfinished product like the sims 4 or the micro transaction nightmare that project renee will become. I honestly think its futile to expect anything good from ea. I'll be the first one in line to watch their downfall.


Rene is designed with EA shareholders in mind, not Sims players


Be careful with assuming TweenMaker means Tween age group! Tweens is a term in animation to do with adding omages between main movements. From the description that comes with TweenMaker, it seems this one is literally just a slider collection, maybe sub points within a slider (they said they are doing realistic fat distribution) to make it flow more naturally.


I bet you the MMO part will be front and center. Everyone's so keen on reassuring that it's optional and separate but the whole point of this not being Sims 5 is that it's a different genre. And it WILL take resources, have no doubt.
I bet you there will be events with exclusive rewards if you party up with people and so on. Limited time, of course.


i swear i wish i had recorded my reaction for posterity when the sims came out with that first login event a little while back cuz i said to myself that this had to be a test run for something they were trying to test the waters i guess this is what it feels like to wish you were wrong...


Lol I love the sarcasm in the beginning Erin! I think I've heard enough at this point to know that I'm not the target audience for the game nor am I interested in 'Project Rene'. This feels like The Sims franchise stripped down, plucked apart, and thrown together with microtransactions in a new Roblox/Fortnite-inspired title.


I feel like these leaks are doing serious (deserved) damage to the optics of this game. There's no cheery little spin to make the season pass seem reasonable and it's clear this is a cash grabby mess - no surprise seeing what TS4 has turned into.

I feel bad for any passionate devs on the team but clearly EA needs to fail and be humbled. They need to know that Simmers won't buy just any old slop they put out.


Thanks for reporting, the more information leaks, the more confused I get. I have a really hard time understanding what this is. Sorry to hear that you're stressed, hope you find time to rest.


The Hub is giving big Playstation Home vibes.
