Wuppertal Schwebebahn, Vohwinkel station #wuppertal #schwebebahn #germany #deutschland #travel

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The Wuppertaler Schwebebahn (English: Wuppertal Suspension Railway) is a suspension railway in Wuppertal, Germany. It is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world and is a unique system in Germany. The elevated tracks and stations were built between 1897 and 1903; the first track opened in 1901. The railway line is credited with growth of the original cities and their eventual merger into Wuppertal. The Schwebebahn runs along a route of 13.3 kilometres (8.3 mi), at a height of about 12 metres (39 ft) above the river Wupper between Oberbarmen and Sonnborner Straße (10 kilometres or 6.2 miles) and about 8 metres (26 ft) above the valley road between Sonnborner Straße and Vohwinkel (3.3 kilometres or 2.1 miles). At one point the railway crosses the A46 motorway. The entire trip takes about 30 minutes.
A Wuppertaler Schwebebahn a németországi Wuppertal városban üzemelő egysínű vasút, amely 1901-ben indult első útjára. Ez a legrégebbi ilyen rendszer a világon. A vonal nagyrészt a Wupper-patakot követi, a meder felett halad. A vonal 1898 és 1901 között épült, 13,3 km hosszú, 600 V egyenárammal villamosítva. A kocsik acélgörgőkre függesztve haladnak. A szerelvények maximális sebessége 60 km/h, az átlagsebesség 26,6 km/h, a menetidő 28-30 perc.
The Wuppertaler Schwebebahn (English: Wuppertal Suspension Railway) is a suspension railway in Wuppertal, Germany. It is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world and is a unique system in Germany. The elevated tracks and stations were built between 1897 and 1903; the first track opened in 1901. The railway line is credited with growth of the original cities and their eventual merger into Wuppertal. The Schwebebahn runs along a route of 13.3 kilometres (8.3 mi), at a height of about 12 metres (39 ft) above the river Wupper between Oberbarmen and Sonnborner Straße (10 kilometres or 6.2 miles) and about 8 metres (26 ft) above the valley road between Sonnborner Straße and Vohwinkel (3.3 kilometres or 2.1 miles). At one point the railway crosses the A46 motorway. The entire trip takes about 30 minutes.
A Wuppertaler Schwebebahn a németországi Wuppertal városban üzemelő egysínű vasút, amely 1901-ben indult első útjára. Ez a legrégebbi ilyen rendszer a világon. A vonal nagyrészt a Wupper-patakot követi, a meder felett halad. A vonal 1898 és 1901 között épült, 13,3 km hosszú, 600 V egyenárammal villamosítva. A kocsik acélgörgőkre függesztve haladnak. A szerelvények maximális sebessége 60 km/h, az átlagsebesség 26,6 km/h, a menetidő 28-30 perc.