Unlock *Miracle Bound | Miracle Overhead | Captain Tsubasa: Rise Of New Champions

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In order to unlock *Miracle Overhead (Miracle bound), and Miracle Overhead you will need to raise Diaz friendship to rank S, then trigger extra event. In the match with Argentina let Diaz use Miracle Bound and trigger the cut scene. Remember to complete the special mission then you might get the hidden skill after the match. If not then try to complete all appeal mission.
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List of Super Shooting Moves:
Japan- Tsubasa: *Neo Drive Shot (Unlock in Argentina match) (hidden: Miracle Drive Shot)
Hyuga: Neo Tiger Shot (Unlock in Italy match)
Germany- Schneider: High Fire Shot
Heine: Heavenly Shot
France- Pierre: Dual Slider Shot
Napoleon: Vendemiaire Cannon
Netherlandd- Kluivoort: High Stinger Shot
Italia- Rusciano : Curtain Call Shot
Senegal - Senghor: Arc Bridge Shot
USA - Ryan Ortiz: Rabona Illusion
Blake Martin: Super Blake Shot
0:00 Opening
0:11 Extra event
1:08 Tsubasa Neo drive shot unlock
2:00 Let Diaz Shot
4:31 Result- *Miracle Overhead
5:33 How to shot
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Thank you! You've helped me loads with this game. Subscribed


I can help you with this one, as someone who already done 10+ run on new hero route (still on my way to create my dream player lol)
To get miracle bound, you need to raise diaz friendship to s rank and VIEW ALL HIS RANK UP EVENT. In order to do this quickly before argentina match, u have to choose diaz card during all previous match (lost match againts germany, scrim with uruguay/england, italy, netherland, and senegal). After that, the extra event with coach barbas will trigger (depending on how lucky u are, u can get it before netherlands or senegal match, assuming you maxed diaz friendship by then. Note: "Renowned" skill can increase the chance to trigger the extra event).
Also, to unlock miracle bound for your new hero, u don't need to trigger diaz shot event mentioned in the video.


What dribble did u use for your new hero?


Je ne pense pas avoir toutes les missions d'appel de Diaz disponibles... Est-ce que c'est à cause de son rang de carte ou de son niveau d'amitié ? (Par exemple le Drive-Shot version Diaz n'est pas disponible dans mes missions d'appel)


I know the video is from three years ago but I hope to get a response from you anyway. I have Diaz's card at maximum level and so I can get him to S almost immediately. I completed all of his affinity quests and also equipped the ability that increases the chance of extra events but the Barbas event doesn't appear to me. I'm desperate, it's the fourth time I've tried but I can't unlock the miracle bound. Obviously I always make him do both the normal miracle and the miracle bound and I also get the cutscene after his second goal but nothing. What should I do to prevent extra events from appearing that I am not interested in and to make the Diaz and Barbas extra event appear 100%? Please help me!


I almost had the skill but I got distracted trying to get Ryan's rank to S and forgot about Diaz.


Miracle bound or miracle drive shot which is best?


I got a question to get these powers do you start a story and make a new character or is there a way that you can resume it after you finish it like resume where you want to get new power ups because I want to get these but I finished the game


I HATE MY LIFE AFTER MAKING A 3th attempt to learn the shoot, I failed. I thought after I learned the Diaz Top Spin I can learn his supershoot and now I play against Argentina and can‘t learn it!!!


Are there any shots in the game that can break the net? I know there was 1 scripted scene in the Tsubasa campaign, where Hyuga does a tiger shot and tsubasa intercepts it with a drive shot and that causes the net to break, but it would be cool if there were a shot like that you could use in regular matches.


I triggered the event but didn’t get miracle bound before the Senegal match, should I reset or try to get it after Argentina match?


In order to get the miracle bound, does Diaz's card need to be at level 5 or will level 3 just do fine?


Do I need to equip high speed south america dribble to complete special mission or just get rank A dribble while facing Diaz?


Didint work bro, in my previos playthrough he didnt do the animation but ı still get it, now in my current playthrough he did it but only give overhead. Do ı need to take his drive shot first cuz he during the animation (the one he gives the hidden ssm) he says ur gona shoot it with my style drive shoot ?


I got lucky and Diaz just taught me miracle bound without him even using miracle overhead.


Pregunta una vez que isiste todo se te desbloquea tambien para diaz o solo para tu personaje?? me gustaria saberlo


what the point for using miracle bound at short range in spite of the advantage effective is long range and bouncing - -.


It's only like other supershots and even easier cuz you only need s friendship with s and you only need to get high-speed South American drillble before Argentina match to get special mission and it's not about appeal mission.


Super ! J'ai réussi à l'avoir sur mon personnage créer ! Mais en revanche je ne l'ai pas sur Diaz quand je fais un affrontements multijoueur c'est normal ? 😶


Hellow bro please can u answer😔
I make diaz rank s and i get the special mission and i make him shoot the miracle bound but i didnt get the special mission event to take his shot please help should i make my player rank a dribble ? For diaz the super shot are open but i didnt got it to my player
