10 MORE Things You Didnt Know About Superman III

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When Superman fights himself it's one of the best scenes in the whole franchise


Rest in peace, Christopher Reeve & Richard Pryor. Thank u for my childhood bc it was the battle between good & evil within yourself. Awesome movie, nuff said!


I love that Minty loves this movie. I have always loved it as well. I saw this movie a million times as a kid as well. The fight between the two Clark’s was/is great


I always loved as a kid that #3 was clearly a different movie to #2, with its own uniqueness & quirkiness. Now as an adult I love all 4 movies and am delighted every few years to revisit Christopher Reeves in the iconic role he was born to play!


I always loved this one. The villian wasnt great, but when the robot takes over the sister at the end was terrifying as a kid. I always loved the evil superman scenes too, leading to the awsome superman v clark fight in the junkyard.


RIP Christopher, Richard, Margot and Robert 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Saw it in theaters and I do recall the audience laughed when Robert Vaughn is trying to figure out who is stealing a fraction of a cent from every transaction in his company's data base and Richard Pryor rolls up in a Ferrari. Which the movie Office Space steals that plot point from.


Fun fact: I was a kid, visiting my aunt in Calgary, when Superman III was being filmed. I was walking downtown Calgary, and we came upon a crowd gathered around a skyscraper. Soon after, a stuntman, dressed as Richard Pryor's character with a pink cape and wearing skis, jumped off the top of the building, way way down, landing on a huge airbag.
When the stuntman finally came down off the bag, i got him to sign a polaroid photo i took as he was in midair.


I don't love Superman 3 but I can enjoy it for what it is. A solid B movie that pretty closely matched the tone of the comics of the late silver/early bronze age. I think after 1 and 2 everyone's expectations were pretty high and felt let down by a campier and more down to earth story. I wished they would have leaned into the Brainiac side of the story and had more Lana Lang. I fell in love with Annette O'Toole.❤️


Superman 3 will always be a guilty pleasure as it was the first one i seen as a kid. Its nothing to the first two but its not that bad either


Grew up watching this constantly, my little sister was terrified by the cyborg transformation scene and usually left the room till it was over.


Absolutely my favorite Superman movie as a Kid growing up in the 80's and its been so long since I've seen it that I never connected the importance to characters like Lex Luthor going forward. You never cease to amaze me with your trivia knowledge Minty, Love your work mate!


This truly is a fantastic movie. It’s interesting to see Superman portrayed in a rough situation and to see what happens when the villains take advantage of that. They created some great suspense showing just what Evil Superman could get away with. I have rewatched this movie several times and I always enjoy it. I like Gus Gorman a lot too. I think Richard Pryor did an excellent job playing the character!


I remember reading the novelization in 5th grade. And certainly most of the deleted scenes of the movie were in the book. The scientist in the factory fire was described as a mad dr. And the underlying tone was that Superman actually was not very happy with the Clark Kent part of his disguise. And that he really had to hold back against the way Kent was treated by society. And there was a nice part written of how he learned a new prospective when he defeated his " evil" half. And how Jor El helped him. It was a cool book especially for an 11 yr old.


When she turned into a robot, that scared me so much as a kid


Every 80's part Ill was badass popcorn nostalgia from horror to comedy. Memories...❤


*_I truly enjoyed Superman 3™ back then and still today. It's not Richard Pryor's fault that the film leaned so heavily into comedy. The makers did that because Richard Pryor was a hotshot comedian at the time who was going to co-star in the 3rd film and they felt it would be better to accentuate everything in a way to make Richard Pryor's comedic existence fit in. Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20 but at least they took a chance and tried something new & different. Unlike today's cinema landscape where studio executives care so much about profits that they demand all films to stay within familiar boundaries, thus, giving us the exact same $hit over & over again [I'm looking at YOU, Disney/Marvel/Star Wars]._* 🤨


I have fond memories of hiring this from my local video shop. The build up to the evil superman is great. It is more comedic but that’s not a bad thing when you’ve got Richard Pryor involved. Great to see Pamela Stephenson too. You get Robert Vaughan being ultra cool and an evil robot. What’s not to like ❤️


1 thing you probably already knew - seeing the woman being forcibly assimilated by the supercomputer was absolute nightmare fuel to watch if you saw this as a young kid.


The split between good and evil is probably the most talked about and Chris really nailed the rage filled Superman as much as he did the beloved good guy. It almost seems like when the split happened, their powers were split as well. 3 is flawed but I can appreciate when directors take chances like this. People want to see creative fight scenes and not just people punching each other through buildings. That’s boring.
