It took me 17 Years to Uncover Neville's Secret in HP.#shorts #nevillelongbottom #harrypotterfacts

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I knew that he forgot his robes when he got the remembrall, but I never thought that him remembering the robes for flying lesson pretty much saved his life 😢


There's no mention of Neville not wearing his robe at breakfast. In the book it's not said to be red when Malfoy picks it up because of the fact he's no longer holding it of course. You're supposed to touch it and then it's supposed to make it turn color. And that the thing he forgot was the password to the common room because after he gets done in the hospital wing he's locked out because of the password. They're by going on the adventure with Harry and the Golden trio.


Wonderful breakdown, can't wait to see what you come up with next.


He did not forget his robe, in the first frames of that scene we watch them from the ceiling of the great hall and his robe is next to him on the bench, which is also where many other students are having their robes in that scene. So the mystery continues


I have heard this many times, but if you watch this scene you see several students in the background who do not have robes either, so this is not the reason the rememberall turned red.


Also I'm pretty sure that's only in the films not the books but I might be wrong


I actually noticed this the other day watching the first movie. Everyone in the hall was wearing a cloak but Neville was just in a jumper


I thought perhaps the discovery would be that Neville had trouble remembering much like his tortured parents because he loved them the way Harry was protected because his parents loved him.


Well actually whoever is holding the rememball to have forgotten something for it to go red and because Malfoy was holding it in that scene it meant that he hadn't forgotten anything not Neville


Yeah... that one certainly slipped by me too. I can't cast any shade over it taking you 17 years.


Neville's parents gone mad and lost their memories.


This is a movie only thing. Therefore, it can’t be considered canon


It's worse then that: his parents cannot remember.


Wouldn't it be clear if someone else is holding it if that person didn't forget anything? It possibly could have lit up if he were holding it.


I knew he had forgotten to wear his robes but if someone else picks it up it will reflect on the new holder will it not?


It took YOU 17 years did it? I think you didn't "uncover" anything but the "Harry Potter &The Pholosoper's Stone: The Harry Potter Magical Movie Mode" that came out in 2021. It pops up little blurbs about "Magical Milestones" when Harry meets people or in the scene you describe a "Magic You May Have Missed" which pops up for the magic of continuity, this one subtitled "Note to Neville" that says, almost word for word "He might not notice, but it seems Neville is the only student who forgot his robes. So THAT'S what the Remeberall was for!"

This, despite the panning shot that showed a dozen other students not wearing their robes at lunchtime, and Neville's robe sitting next to him. Moreover it WAS lunchtime(in the film, it was just a random thursday at an indeterminate time in the book), after half a day of school Neville would have lost house points for Gryffindor in multiple classes if he'd been out of uniform all day, ESPECIALLY since the class that immediately proceeded lunch was potions, in the film.

The scene is poorly translated in the film anyway. In the books there is no mention of his broom zipping around. It floated up slowly, he lost his balance and fell sideways off the broom from thirty feet in the air, still above the grass of the quidditch pitch. It was only after it was riderless that it "drifted off in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, never to be seen again." So despite the initial remberall scene being in both (though the book doesn't say anything about him being out of uniform at the table), his robes didn't play any part in his flying scene in the novel.

After Harry catches the remberall the Gryffindors are giving Malfoy the business over what he did and the Slytherins make fun back until Draco challenges Harry to a midnight duel. The golden trio (Ron and Harry going to the duel and Hermione trying to stop them and gettin caught out by the Fat Lady visiting a friend in another portrait) find Neville on the way, and he reveals that what he forgot was the common room password. This is not a film scene at all, and so the reason the film gets the explanation wrong is revealed.

If you are going to craft Harry Potter theories you should read the books, and not plagiarise from the caption guys in a special film release. Especially when they ignore what the film actually showed. It doesn’t make you seem particularly brilliant.
