Part 1: JavaScript the Hard Parts: Promises, Async & the Event Loop
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Part 1 of JavaScript the Hard Parts: Promises, Async & the Event Loop video lecture with Samantha Salley, Lead Engineer at Codesmith.
During this workshop, you will learn how to master asynchronous JavaScript and promises! Our mental models of asynchronicity in javascript - the event loop, callback queue - are no longer enough. We have to augment them with the new world of native promises and async/await and understand them intuitively. In this session, we’ll do this so you can write readable code and debug effectively.
The workshop will cover:
- The challenge with single-threadedness in JavaScript.
- How asynchronicity enables much of modern web development
- The challenge with asynchronicity in JavaScript and how promises fix the problem of inversion of control
A combination of understanding promises and async/await under the hood and strategies for effective implementation will give you the tools to write clean pro asynchronous code in your work and projects.
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During this workshop, you will learn how to master asynchronous JavaScript and promises! Our mental models of asynchronicity in javascript - the event loop, callback queue - are no longer enough. We have to augment them with the new world of native promises and async/await and understand them intuitively. In this session, we’ll do this so you can write readable code and debug effectively.
The workshop will cover:
- The challenge with single-threadedness in JavaScript.
- How asynchronicity enables much of modern web development
- The challenge with asynchronicity in JavaScript and how promises fix the problem of inversion of control
A combination of understanding promises and async/await under the hood and strategies for effective implementation will give you the tools to write clean pro asynchronous code in your work and projects.
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[ ] == ![ ]?!?! || JavaScript Is Hard #1