Upgrade THESE Common Cards Last in Clash Royale

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In this video, Billybob discusses which Common cards you should upgrade in Clash Royale last. There are multiple factors that go into which cards you should upgrade last, but in this video, I based the rankings off of 1. How good is the card 2. How versatile is the card 3. How long can you use it at a high level. Most of the common cards are very good cards in Clash royale, but many of them are cycle cards. This means that you can push off upgrading those cards in Clash Royale. There is also many common cards that are spells. This just means that there are many options that aren't great to choose from as the worst cards to upgrade. The reason that I chose the royal delivery, skeleton barrel, skeleton dragons, barbarians, and skeletons is because most of them are bad or easily replaceable. For example, the skeleton dragons can be replaced by the baby dragon and the barbarians can be replaced by the guards. For these reasons, Billybob recommends putting off upgrading the royal delivery, skeleton barrel, skeleton dragons, barbarians, and skeletons in Clash Royale.
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