Upgrade THESE Common Cards Last in Clash Royale

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In this video, Billybob discusses which Common cards you should upgrade in Clash Royale last. There are multiple factors that go into which cards you should upgrade last, but in this video, I based the rankings off of 1. How good is the card 2. How versatile is the card 3. How long can you use it at a high level. Most of the common cards are very good cards in Clash royale, but many of them are cycle cards. This means that you can push off upgrading those cards in Clash Royale. There is also many common cards that are spells. This just means that there are many options that aren't great to choose from as the worst cards to upgrade. The reason that I chose the royal delivery, skeleton barrel, skeleton dragons, barbarians, and skeletons is because most of them are bad or easily replaceable. For example, the skeleton dragons can be replaced by the baby dragon and the barbarians can be replaced by the guards. For these reasons, Billybob recommends putting off upgrading the royal delivery, skeleton barrel, skeleton dragons, barbarians, and skeletons in Clash Royale.

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Delivery is a high skill cap card, so while it isnt bad, it is one you should not upgrade until you stop playing Megaknight bridge spam.


bro no way, royal delivery is vastly underrated.


I don’t think royal delivery should be on that list, It’s used run so many control decks like queen hogs and miner control. I think low level players shouldn’t be using it but if they want to transition to higher ladder then they’ll have to keep that card at a pretty high level


Anyone remember when barbarians were legit the strongest melee unit in the game. They used to be a win condition.


Royale Delivery is critically underrated, especially in mid ladder where it counters wizard and witch. Overall it is very good but also very hard to use, it is also not level dependent because u rely on the impact and not the recruit, it should not be upgraded first, but don’t forget about it as it does well in many decks.


Royale delivery is an amazing card, it can defeat witches, wizards, knights, and so much more on its own


Man, coming back to this a year later and the meta has shifted a ton. Honestly now, none of these apply to upgrading last since every single one is great.


If the skele drags were 1-2 more tiles apart they could be better on offense which is kinda what they're for

Edit: it happened


Skelly Barel is actually really good in certain decks. It can push your loon and does death damage which can counter some defences against your loon. It does massive damage if not defended against and is a cheap win condition.


Royal delivery is actually op. Just use ur brain and it does massive damage on defence with the landing and can be great for stalling. Only skill needed is to time the landing


Larrys need to be upgraded so you can pull of spesific defenses and royal delivery is so underrated, barbarians with a witch and bats and bomber with a giant? Bye bye with royal delivery and larrys.


Honestly as a delivery player, it needs a slight damage buff imo.


Man’s on crack when he says Royal delivery is bad


Billy, I wanna tell you that you are an amazing and hardworking person.Thank you for making this content for us❤❤


I love the royal delivery, it's an amazing damage + distraction card, it takes a lot of skill to use and it's very powerful when played correctly.


I LOVE royal delivery! It takes the right deck and skill to use though. I personally play a kinda chip bait deck with goblin barrel. Royal delivery with a dart goblin can be great on defense and provide a snappy counter attack for some nice tower chip damage. Doesn’t even have to go with dart goblin, spear gobs do some decent damage with the help of that royal recruit too!


Noo my beloved skeleton barrel its my win condition


If skele barrels are played right, you can use them defensively to distract troops and deal splash damage. It’s good in pushes when it’s in tangent with other cards but one of those “think fast” type of cards and yeah it can create a push against you sometimes but placement in many cards play an importance. Though i play a log/spell bait deck so yeah.


Royal delivery is insane in decks that it works in, and Skeleton levels are gonna matter if you need to help defend a graveyard with some skeletons


idk why people say the delivery is a bad card. it's way better than fireball since it's guaranteed a lot of dmg and protection from 2 hits. Ig the only downside is the delay but if you play it a bit ahead it's one of the best defense. it was the second common card I maxed out and it's really good on defense
