My PLAYSTATION VITA Collection (150 Games: Rare, $$$ & Hidden Gems)

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Here is my entire PlayStation Vita game collection. I have about 150 games including common titles, rare or hard to find games, hidden gems and more! This Sony handheld had SO MUCH POTENTIAL!

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Background music by Metal Jesus Rocks and the YouTube Creator Audio Library

** DISCLAIMER - A few of these games were sent to me for review over the years, but most of them were purchased by me and all of the opinions are my own. **
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Just for the people thinking of buying a PSVITA this year, it has a tremendous Modding Homebrew scene, they've ported several GTA games, bully, Cuphead, Mario kart, Mario 64, Zelda, Max Payne, Celeste and several other games... yes these are native ports not emulation, and there's more coming in the future such as Dead Cells, Hades ETC.


At the time of vita's release and going through like, 2015 or so, Sony actually did really encourage developers to put games on both PS4 and Vita and I think offered some assistance to do so to smaller developers - it's why the Vita became a great place for indie ports.


The hardware quality (for the time), the Vita library, the compatibility with the PSP library, the ability to play PSOne Classics on it, and the synergies with the Playstation TV and PS3 to essentially facilitate a "Switch-like" experience for a lot of games before the Switch was even a thing, will forever make the Vita one of the best consoles of all time, and no one will ever be able to tell me otherwise.


The vita is still one of my all time favorite handhelds especially when you mod it. Full psp built in as well as all the homebrew and emulation that can be done. Ill never get rid of my oled even with the proprietary charging and data port


Recording Vita gameplay footage is such a pain! I typically like to use the PlayStation TV (which is really just a Vita with HDMI output), but so many popular games don't support it, which is incredibly annoying. It reminded me I really need to look into installing custom firmware on mine to get around that issue. Have you modded a PlayStation TV before?!


Killzone Mercenary remains one of the best FPS games I've ever played on a handheld. Such a fun experience with incredible multiplayer. Genuinely one of the best experiences for the time.


Muramasa Rebirth alone is reason to own a Vita. It's such a colorful game that looks amazing on the old model's OLED screen. Really can't wait to jump into some of the Japanese VNs on the system too. Holding off just a bit longer since I'm currently playing Dragon Quest games in Japanese to work on my reading, but I hope to be reading a bunch of VN on it by the end of this year.


Fav console ever. Soooo many hours playing Persona 4 Golden, Dragon's Crown, Atelier, Dead Nation etc. Vita will never die. Good on you for showing your collection :)


The most underrated console ever. I have 37 games myself, with Resident Evil Revelations 2 being the rarest of them.


Long live the Vita!!! Long live the Vita!!! Tearaway is vastly underrated. I also picked the deluxe version of Shantae at GameStop from the shelf a couple years ago! It was like less than $20. I’m a Sony guy but I don’t know if I can forgive them for how they crapped on the Vita and let it die, it’s incredibly sad. So many games were planned, even a Bioshock game. It cold have sold like crazy if Sony really pushed it, and not just marketed it as a way to do remote play.


So glad to see you show off your Vita collection. Long live the PlayStation Vita. One of the best consoles ever made.


Thank you so much for this video. There is so much more that can be gone over with this wonderful gem of a handheld. Keep up the great work sir.


Wonderful collection! The Vita is my #1 portable console. Mine was given a new life when jailbroken. You can tap into more of the Vita's potential with mods. You can have improved frame rates, save battery life, emulate retro games (NES, MD, & TG-16 are pretty much perfect), access the PSP's XMB, connect a DualShock 4, store all your games on a sd card, and so much more.


One of the most underrated handhelds of sll time! It's an emulator monster!


The Vita turns 10 this month, still have my launch unit, and absolutely love it to this day.

Only own 6 physical games:
Odin Sphere
Dragons Crown
Borderlands 2
Gravity Rush
Freedom Wars
Final Fantasy X


One of the most under appreciated handheld/console of all time. Genuinely portable with a stacked library of games. I still play it on the regular


Perfect timing Metal Jesus, just got my PS Vita imported from Japan!


Probably the best gaming handheld ever made.


Vita is so underrated, my fav handheld of all time!


What a handheld. I absolutely adored Tearaway and in my book it was THE iconic PS Vita game as it used everything the console could do. It was like it was made to showcase the handheld
