New Report Reveals U.S. Schools Are Resegregating

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As we celebrate the 63rd Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education, new evidence shows that U.S. Schools are resegregating.

A new GAO report says the number of schools serving black or brown students nearly doubled, growing from 9 to 16-percent between 2001 and 2014.
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Why do you want to force someone to be around you who doesn't? That's like an abusive relationship....stop holding on to people that don't mean you any good!!!


History shows us how we got in that ass by building black communities and thriving.
Integration was our biggest downfall. They want things to be segregated IT!!!.


Good!!! We don't need to be around wicked, soulless people like that


This is why we need to start home schooling. Their school system has never been meant for us.


keep moving forward to do what? same old shit working with people that don't have your best interest? this is about resources black people want and need that...


Black people should educate our own kids and let integration go


the distribution of resources to schools is based off property taxes, if there are low property taxes there is low funding. that's universal regardless of the color of the neighborhood


We need to take back our communities and become their competition. Educationally & Economically.


In so many words we are not wanted. They don't want us near them, in their presence or sitting across from their children. There's no need to make any further attempts when it is so clear that they want separation. It was done decades ago only to be reversed. Do not bother anymore.
Segregation is a good thing. Because right now it is integrated but unequal.

A Reparations policy needs to be drafted and enforced and distributed to Black people. From there we can rebuild our communities & fund our own schools.


Why cant we make our schools the best? Theres ways to get information today that we didnt have in the 60's and 70's...Most kids have either cell phone laptops or tablets. All I can say is get these kids to read, and not worry about what type of shoes they have on.


I'm not mad at the idea of re-segregation. I went to a predominantly black school in a predominantly black school district. We had great teachers (mostly black) and I felt like they were genuinely invested in us and in what happened to us. We were properly disciplined/ supervised. They tried to deal with us in-house, with our families (not pressing charges if they could correct us). Though my high school was ranked one of the lowest in the state as far as academia/ testing, many from my class went on to college and became successful professionals. It simply saddens me that we can't have that kind of investment from others outside of our communities. Yes there are teachers who treat all of their students well but I don't think we are appreciated within their schools or their communities and I don't think that will ever be the case.


segregation, unsegregation. I thought the issue was parents sending their kids to school? why are we fighting AGAIN for the "can I use your stuff" fight? how about we practice discipline in our HOMES?!?! tell our kids to go to school and get ALL A PLUS!!??


Is she going to say ANYTHING useful and substantive????


Get educated...get a few degrees...become president....still get treated like crap & disrespected. :(


I didn't hear any solution, except wait for white daddy.


if u really want to hit alabama parents dont let your sons play for war eagle r roll tide and i guarantee they will change their tune i visited both campuses its more black men on the football field than regular black students if u think im lying check black students to black athletes at all these sec schools and they r making a fortune alabama practice facility is more hi tech than pro teams


instead of buying Hair, Jewelry, Rims, Lottery tickets, Weed, Liquor, Jordan's etc etc ... Black people need to use that money to clean up our own neighborhoods and to get our kids a proper education. I'm tired of Marches and protest to be around people who don't want us in their presence.


Why do we alway beg for scraps? We can go back to the basics, reading writing and arithmetic the school system in my city has gone to teaching you how to take a standardized test..This might be the best thing that could happen to our people, think about it...Our teacher could actually teach black history and not just one month out of the school year.


Good, segregation is benifitial for all races. Integration killed the black spirit and caused us to take on a 'subservient' role instead of an aggressively independent dominant role as a race and as providers..


Good now we can start teaching our children their correct history and not some fake made up stories about us. ans we can definitely start teaching the Bible in its entirely correctly. We need our own and we need to stop asking for help and just demand it. We can do this together we did once before we surely can do it again the tribe of Judah will always prevail.
