Anyone know the meaning of this photo?? -LANA LORE- #dresstoimpress #lore#lana#fyp

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EXPLANATION: When Lana was little, she was diagnosed with a chronic disease. She couldn’t pay her hospital debts, so Gigi (one the founders of dress to impress) told Lana, “If you work for me, i will pay off all of your hospital debts and bills. Lana was reluctant ( because Gigi told her three rules: 1. DO NOT ESCAPE. 2. DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT OUR PLANS. 3. DO NOT TELL THEM WHAT WE DID TO YOU.) but agreed. After that, the three founders of Dress to Impress were very mean to her, and she was tired of being taken for granted by all of the clients. (everyone she does nails from, including you). She swore she would one day take revenge, if if you see in the new update, in her diary, she said that she would burn down the Dress to Impress salon thing and get revenge on all of the players that got their nails done by her and just took her for granted. Lana was very upset because no even knew her name. She said something like, “ All the players take me for granted, they don’t even know my name. My name is LANA.” . Lana once stated, “ If all the players who i do nails for just said please and thank you and just appreciated me NONE of this would’ve ever happened to me… Lana also has a YouTube channel called @LanaDoesNails and in the new update in Dress to Impress (not exactly new) in her diary, it said a user id that if you looked up on roblox, it would lead you to a roblox profile called @LanaDoesNails and her description said something creepy, i forgot what it said though. Also in another newer update (once again, not exactly new) in her diary she wrote something like, “Dear Diary, that isn’t me, that’s not me doing your nails. Gigi (one of the founders of Dress to Impress has trapped me in a room/shed in the forest, and has replaced me with a clone of myself, if you still trust me, please send help.” All i know is that Gigi made hundreds of clones of Lana, and Lana doesnt know why Gigi trapped her. Basically, the conclusion is that Lana was in bad medical debt, and Gigi said if you work for me, i will pay off your debts. Lana agreed reluctantly and Gigi stated, “DO NOT TELL THEM WHAT WE DID TO YOU.” (I don’t know what they did) Lana worked there for FIVE whole years, and after those five years, she couldn’t take it anymore. She was upset because none of the players said please or thank you to her, and she wanted people to know that she wasn’t the nail lady, she was LANA. Then, she spilled the agency, Dress to Impress’s secrets (i didnt say this before) Gigi locked her up in a shed in the forest. I don’t really know the rest, except for that at the end of all of this Lana lore, Lana turned out to actually be the bad guy. (I’m not 100% sure). If you want to find out more of the Lana lore, watch callmehhaileys videos. That’s all i know, if you got here, thanks for reading! Bye! 💗💗💗


"i need to tell you somethin im bald" "gurlll ME TOo"


Lana Lore- Lana's story
(Warning- very long)

Lana was diagnosed with a sickness very young, she got better but the medical debts were high and her and her family would have to pay them off for the rest of their lives. Gigi from dress to impress offered to pay all the debts off as long as she worked as the nail tech. Well DTI has many secrets. To work there there Lana had to follow three rules:

1. Don't tell them what we did to you
2. Don't tell them our plans
3. Don't try to escape

This is obviously very creepy, but Lana excepted because she wanted to pay off her debts. Her biggest mistake. The players wouldn't even say thank you or even call her by her name. They would just say "nail lady" . Gigi refused to pay her so she tried to escape. Well they caught her and locked her in a game called "forest". They made clones of Lana, and that's the girl sitting at Lana's desk.... Not the real Lana. Which is why if you look out some can see Lana's clones just staring at you.

Lana claimed in her diary that she thinks that's the reason so many players have gone missing... And said "help me" then gave us her player ID. There are 3 pictures of players that say "missing" under them. The players names were MOTOPRINCESSS, submiscy, and DiorBeaOfficial. Well there was another diary entry found of her confessing to killing people in her group "Saudade" (might be a cult) for their body parts. Eww. She has been manipulating players into their group to collect sacrifices. And now she's going to get revenge on them because their on her side. She most likely went crazy in Forest, but she got out. She also has a hit list.

Her sacrifices are:

⁃ Jisoo
⁃ Jayla
⁃ Nicholas
⁃ Sadie

The people on her hit list is:

⁃ riscoops
⁃ INotTaigoXD
⁃ DiarBenOfficial
⁃ submiscy
⁃ ChloeXhalie

Some people on her hit list were bad people, but most of them weren't. And none of the sacrifices were bad people. Saudade has different mini parts to the group. Lana started killing people from the "horizons" part of the group, which are believed to be real players. Why is she killing all these people for parts? Well we have an answer for that too.

Someone- or something named Agamemnon. Also known as A originaly appeared in Lana's dreams and said he would help her take revenge and that she could trust him. She says that she believes him and trusts him. In one of the four Lana games, he wrote himself notes (like a diary but he probably doesn't have one) talking about how he's manipulating Lana and she thinks these parts are for a good use. And how when he's done with her he will get rid of her. He also claims he's been the one making the clones. I will come back to this in a second.... Lana posted a video (her YouTube is LanaDoesNails) about her looking down at her body but not really caring because she opened up the portal. And in one of her games there is a gravestone that says "Lana". But she is still opening the portals and is obviously not dead... So my theory is that someone killed Lana or at least thought it was Lana but it was a clone. She was still able to activate the portal to probably get to A. And I believe that Lana is the only chance A has to get out of the weird demention he is in. And I have logic to that too. If you go through one of the walls in DTI, then it will take you to the "meat room" why is it called that? Because it's made of meat. Eww. But in there is a giant key that says "Lana" and I think that's metaphorical, saying that Lana is the key.

But what are the parts for? Lana is collecting body parts from dead people and making this monster I like to call the meat monster (cuz it's made of body parts). The meat monster is a weird tall black figure.

Well this is going to be A's form when he comes to the roblox/DTI demention. Lana has told us in the "questionaire" game that she is planning something on Halloween, and in one of her community posts she typed in a code that meant " I'll be here for a long time that girl at my desk will disappear out of the blue.
Then all be back soon. All in Hallows Eve." so she is planning her revenge but I have a feeling A will take over and he has something a lot worse planned for us. Also Lanas latest video was her showing us DTI.... But different. Made of meat and eyes watching And there was a portal. Is this what is coming this Halloween? Or could it be even worse than imagined?

Thank u sm for reading, I spent hours on this so please like the comment so more people can see it 🩷 thank you guys again


If you wanna know about Lana law, I’m gonna be telling you guys (so basically when Lana was a baby, she was diagnosed with a medical condition that made her have no hair if you go into just to impress and you look where Lana is doing the nails you can see the pictures behind her. She has no hair, but she probably got her hair back because you can see a picture with her long hair and balloons. so one day Lana was approached by someone their name was Gigi and this person offered to pay off Lana’s hospital debt so she worked as the nail tech and dress to impress but soon she found out that she was just getting manipulated and never paid off the debt but there’s this other person Moto princess so just keep Moto princess in mind anyways back to the story so basically Gigi was evil and wanted to do experiments on the players (us) and princess knew about that so she wanted to take Lana somewhere safe so she could tell Lana before Moto princess could tell her Gigi went and killed Moto princess but before all of this, Lana was told to go wait in the shed but guys keep this in mind before Moto princess got killed(she went missing and if you go to where Lana is, you can see missing posters and you can see one has Moto princess on the bottom of it, but Lana is still in that shed and she is scared and lost and if you go into the forest game, you can probably find her in the shed some say Lana is dead but we don’t know that so Lana when she went missing she had doppelgängers made and now they’re everywhere if you look up to where that table is, you can see her diary and it says “ I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I don’t know where I am. I am scared that girl sitting in my desk is not me. She is not the real Lana I am. I don’t know where I am. I hate my job and I am being forced”
And another part of the map is where you can see that there is a book that says I love my job over and over again. It seems like she is being forced to write that…. The Lana lore is very dark….
And Lana has a YouTube channel if you search up on here, Lanadoesnails there is some more clues if you wanted to know about Lana lord this is probably the most information I know this took me a very long time to write so please like this comment


dti is getting to a lore game help lol


Explatation : When lana was the nail lady she had been working for 5 years there, the reason why they call her nail lady is because no one knows her, And the owners to DTI (Dress To Impress) Was mean to her. watch lana'd video rule numebr 3, The rule number 3 -Dont let anyone tell about what we did to you..- then there was a picture of her when she was happy, Now the girl on the chair is a DOPPELGANGER (not real lana its fake) she has tears on her face but Dress To Impress removed it, She said in her diary She will Burn the DRESS TO IMPRESS Place down.

I learned it from Flush the YouTuber "Flush" if you wanna learn more search for Lana Lore there's a lot

Edit 1 : Omg! ty for 0 likes😁


so guys the old Lana said in her book that she hates her job but the new Lana replacement said in the book I love my job bc the new Lana wants to trick us by thinking the old Lana loves her job….. this is so creepy and crazy and Lana is on to Gigi she want Gigi dead idk why…. But hopefully this helps


Like 1 = gave her hair to not to die from cancer


OML…I thought that was just the joke of bald Lana…but I never noticed that she was in a hospital-


I have a theory (it’s pretty long)

So Lana and Lina are siblings. Lina got cancer so Lana worked in a nail salon (not dti yet) later linas treatment got more expensive so Lana started looking for a job that pays more. Gigi offers to pay for Linas cancer treatment if Lana works there and she accepts. People form the area don’t want to work in the game because previous nail techs went missing. In the interview there where 2 other girls. I named them Stella and Anya. Lana got the job so the two girls got mad. One of them (Stella) becomes lanas doppelgänger so she can have her job but the other one (Anya) wants to take Lanas job. She kidnapped one Lana but then realised there where 2 Lanas so she plans to catch both. So far she has caught the real Lana and Stella disappeared. Lina got better and when her sister disappeared she heard rumours about the other missing nail techs so she gets the job to look for her sister


explanation: ever since Lana was little she was diagnosed with a chronical illness and Gigi (the owner of dti) took advantage of this and promised lana to heal her but instead she supposedly was gonna do experiments on her. BUT a lot has changed in the lore since then so I’m not sure if Lana was telling the truth about that last part (I just realised that this is a very late reply to the vid so)


Lana is finding a job because she has cancer but they wont let her sleep lana does not get payd it made her want to have revenge and she was kindof happy in the start in the first when she went to the salon the players dont even know her name they just call he nail lady


Her chronic illness has to do with it I think


How can y'all sleep after this-😭✋


Guys also in September gigi probably locked the real lana, ”no gigi would never do that?!?” You guys probably think its Lina but lina has heels and lana aswell, and lana has more followers than gigi and gigi is probably jealous, THEN WHO LITERALLY WALKED IN THE FREAKING BASEMENT?!? and gigi probably locked her.. to get MORE popular…


Actually lana was well diagnose with smt and she was almost Gigi ( creator of the game) saved her and now she traped in somewhere the nail lady aka lana is not her its someone else im still looking for some new updates


It says in one of her games that she got diagnosed with a chronic disease, possibly cancer. And it made her family go out of debt


Me reading:„join dti for better view”
Me: *wanting to go in roblox*
Also me: *realizing I’m still banned*


EVERYONE!! let’s start a boycott on dti.we won’t paint our nails in dti until LINA get fired and Lana comes back!! (Pls copy and paste this to send a message any dti lore new ones) (videos/shorts) WE CAN DO THIS U GUYS also hopefully this can get a lot of likes! LANA PLS COME BACK!!! GIGI PUT LANA BACK A FIRE LINA!!! LANA PLS COME BACK WE I LOVE U ONCE AGIAN!!!❤❤


The meaning of that photo is the last time the real Lana was seen the one on the desk. It’s just a clone and the ones outside or a clone too When time is up and you go to the runway, you probably noticed that Lana’s head was sticking out of a tube. Lana has a new game. It has a set of rules that you need to follow import. One of them says don’t go too far and if you do, the monster will jump, scare you, what monster one in free play mode. It’s not like it will just appear. You need to find it and probably glitch outside the map photo of the real Lana and the monster probably it’s because the monster kidnapped Lana to make clones and clones and clones and if you are too deep in Lana‘s new game you jump scared by the monster, the monster was used for execution your game the people that was executed so this is the part where you were the people in the game. The reason that you are there and not the place because the monster kidnapped you and brought you here.