446: Interview With Luis Giraldo - CXO at ScalePad & CEO at Ook

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-This week we welcome back our friend, Luis Giraldo. Luis is CEO at Ook Enterprises and Chief Experience Officer at ScalePad.
-A long standing MSP, Luis started Monkey Box in 2013, which carried him over to IT Glue.
-Luis speaks about managing his time between his MSP company and time with ScalePad.
-Luis discusses the hero complex that consultants face, where we just want to do right by the customer but have trouble billing appropriately for our time.
-ScalePad addresses this head on and approaches conversations with customers as a service activity as opposed to a sales pitch.
-As Sam recalls learning about scheduled client meetings from Luis’ appearance in years past, he talks of more automated and regular reports.
-Jerry wants to hear about Luis’ business story through Covid times.
-Somehow he has not opened Apple Mail in months. He has moved to web mail clients and talks about the hardware being of less importance as cloud is the focus..
-Both Sam and Luis have been having trouble hiring new employees. They discuss the employee driven market.
-Joe has had thoughts about stock options or profit sharing. Luis also brings up what small businesses have to think about to retain employees for the long term.
-IT consultancy acquisitions and personal brands are hot topics as of late.
Care to reach out to Luis Giraldo or learn more about him? Look no further.
-This week we welcome back our friend, Luis Giraldo. Luis is CEO at Ook Enterprises and Chief Experience Officer at ScalePad.
-A long standing MSP, Luis started Monkey Box in 2013, which carried him over to IT Glue.
-Luis speaks about managing his time between his MSP company and time with ScalePad.
-Luis discusses the hero complex that consultants face, where we just want to do right by the customer but have trouble billing appropriately for our time.
-ScalePad addresses this head on and approaches conversations with customers as a service activity as opposed to a sales pitch.
-As Sam recalls learning about scheduled client meetings from Luis’ appearance in years past, he talks of more automated and regular reports.
-Jerry wants to hear about Luis’ business story through Covid times.
-Somehow he has not opened Apple Mail in months. He has moved to web mail clients and talks about the hardware being of less importance as cloud is the focus..
-Both Sam and Luis have been having trouble hiring new employees. They discuss the employee driven market.
-Joe has had thoughts about stock options or profit sharing. Luis also brings up what small businesses have to think about to retain employees for the long term.
-IT consultancy acquisitions and personal brands are hot topics as of late.
Care to reach out to Luis Giraldo or learn more about him? Look no further.