El Pony Pisador - Eliza Lee (shanty in VL 92 Balder)

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Fa uns dies vam ser al Internationaal Shantyfestival de Rotterdam i ens van convidar al vaixell VL 92 Balder. Vam pensar que la opció més sàvia era cantar un shanty al camarot del chil com si fóssim mariners de veritat. El Ramon no va poder venir estava fent cursos de subriuisme per poder trobar la sèpia de riu.

A few days ago we went to the Internationaal Shantyfestival in Rotterdam and they invited us to the VL 92 Balder. We thought the wisest option was to sing a shanty in the cabin chilling-in-the-name-of as if we were true sailors. Ramon could not come, he was doing a river-diving workshop to find the river sepia.

Per veure el VL 92 Balder navegant pel mar feu clic a l'enllaç: / To see the VL 92 Balder at sea click on the link:


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El Pony Pisador:
Adrià Vila as Adrià Aspavila
Guillem Codern as Willem Dafoe
Martí Selga as Submartí
Miquel Pérez as Mikelback
Ramon Anglada as I Miss U
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