MIDI 2.0 Protocol Messages and the Universal MIDI Packet NAMM 2021 Session
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MIDI 2.0 Means Two-way MIDI Conversations
MIDI 2.0 is bi-directional and changes MIDI from a monologue to a dialog. For example, with the new MIDI-CI (Capability Inquiry) messages, MIDI 2.0 devices can talk to each other, and auto-configure themselves to work together.
Higher Resolution, More Controllers and Better Timing
To deliver an unprecedented level of musical and artistic expressiveness, MIDI 2.0 re-imagines the role of performance controllers, Controllers are now easier to use, and there are more of them: over 32,000 controllers, including controls for individual notes. Enhanced, 32-bit resolution gives controls a smooth, continuous, "analog" feel. New Note-On options were added for articulation control and precise note pitch.
MIDI 2.0 is bi-directional and changes MIDI from a monologue to a dialog. For example, with the new MIDI-CI (Capability Inquiry) messages, MIDI 2.0 devices can talk to each other, and auto-configure themselves to work together.
Higher Resolution, More Controllers and Better Timing
To deliver an unprecedented level of musical and artistic expressiveness, MIDI 2.0 re-imagines the role of performance controllers, Controllers are now easier to use, and there are more of them: over 32,000 controllers, including controls for individual notes. Enhanced, 32-bit resolution gives controls a smooth, continuous, "analog" feel. New Note-On options were added for articulation control and precise note pitch.
MIDI 2.0 Protocol Messages and the Universal MIDI Packet NAMM 2021 Session
Introduction to MIDI 2 0
The MIDI Protocol: MIDI Messages | Simon Hutchinson
About MIDI 2 0 Profiles
What Is MIDI 2.0? - How MIDI Version 2 Will Change Music Production Forever!
The MIDI Protocol: System Messages | Simon Hutchinson
The MIDI Protocol: Bits, Bytes, and Binary | Simon Hutchinson
Multiclient WinMM and MIDI 2 0 in Windows MIDI Services
MIDI protocol overview
Brett Porter (Art + Logic) - A Look at MIDI 2 0
MIDI 2 0: The Future of Music Technology
MIDI 2.0 (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) - Is it dead yet or does it just smell funny?
Develop, Debug and Deploy: MIDI 2.0 Prototyping and Tools - Florian Bömers - ADC22
Linux ALSA to UMP 1.1.1 MIDI 2.0 device transmit to multiple groups
Create great MIDI 2.0 apps using Windows MIDI Services and C#
MIDI Programming & Commands Explained - How to Program MIDI
What Is MIDI CC? – Daniel Fisher
The MIDI 2.0 UDP Network Panel April 2024
Using MIDI with your A&H console - Technical Webinar
Apple, Google and Microsoft Implementations of MIDI 2.0 - ADC22
MIDI Protocol deconstructed and analyzed
MIDI and OSC comparison
Introduction to Basic MIDI Messages [MiMU Tutorial]
MIDI 2.0 Profiles Configuration and Property Exchange NAMM 2021 Session