Lancet Commission Report on COVID - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

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Lancet Commission Report on COVID - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Interesting beginning of a new era of finger pointing and further bias in the name of commissions. Let's see what Lancet commission has to say.

Page 4. United States and other countries.

URL list from Friday, Sep. 16 2022
The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic - The Lancet

The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic

WHO responds to The Lancet COVID-19 Commission

Timeline of WHO's response to COVID-19

WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic - PubMed

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

People at The Lancet

Richard Horton (editor) - Wikipedia

CDC director Rochelle Walensky visits #WashUMed - YouTube

Covid-19: How Much Herd Immunity is Enough? - The New York Times
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blatantly lying to our faces, then when you call them out you get accused of misinformation.


The problem with the management of the COVID crises was the drug companies' lust for money and the politicians' lust for power. Without these two overwhelming factors, the protocols developed would look completely different.


Thank you for continuing to not only share actual scientific data, but for continuing to teach people more about scientific literacy and analytical skills in the process.


Don't forget Dr Gold and America's Frontline Doctors - very successful early treatments that got "cancelled", some fired, some jailed.


Follow the money. Looking back 2 years and we still are not any better off today just more Confused. I think listening to your lectures has helped me immensely I can make better decisions for my health because of YOU 💘


It makes my heart sad 😢Because I doubt we will ever get the truth. Too many people have to cover their misdeeds. I truly appreciate all that you do and the passion you show for seeking the truth. I’m glad they don’t send you money because then they would want you to be beholding to them. Thank you for all you do. And God bless you and your family.


This pandemic was what opened my eyes to entities like the WHO, Lancet and others. Entities full of conflicts of interests who couldn’t care less about our wellbeing and are spreaders of misinformation. Thank you Dr. Been.


I grew up in a world where I knew there were bad people but I thought it was something rare that the average person would never run into. I was wrong. Both of my children, one very much so, paid the price of my not realizing someone was a child molester. What were the red flags I should have seen and didn't. Over the years I have learned to see things I couldn't see before and when I start to see red flags I look a lot closer at a person's behavior and the patterns in their behavior. When this COVID thing came out, the behavior of those in "authority" was setting off all sorts of red flags for me. How bad was it, what were my chances, what was my best course of action? I had learned after having pneumonia how to build up my immune system so that I hadn't had a cold or flu for 20 years even when I was in a confined area with someone who did. I have seen too many of the pharmaceutical industry's drugs pulled off the market to trust an experimental drug. I studied the information coming out looking for useful information. The risk factors seem to be elderly or poor health, low vitamin D and insufficient immune system. I'm elderly, functional COPD and reasonably good immune system, so I decided to keep my vitamin D high, improve my immune system and when they offered the experimental vaccine, to skip it. I didn't wear a mask (except when at a medical facility), wore a face shield only when I had to for work. I am exposed to the public and have not caught COVID. I have learned the value of a good immune system. Many of the "authority" figures of this world have some explaining to do.


Dr Been you are spot on about the need for collaboration in such a world health crisis. It could have been so beneficial for unifying everyone. Sadly the greatest minds in this pandemic have existed outside of the medical institutions...why? Because the docs and nurse’s on the front line had one goal- save lives. Sadly not everyone in these medical institutions had that goal.


I have been deathly sick for 14 months. I've lost all I love and have suffered more than I thought possible. I pray I pass soon and will be out of this pain. Covid killed me even though I never got it.


I know several people who have long-term (several months or longer - up to a year +) ramifications from Cov shots injuries.


Great analysis once again! Thank you, Dr Mobeen for your "Giving to Humanity". You're the best! We love you!


Thank you. I have listened to other health professionals on this report, too. Grateful for your comments and analysis.


Lancet didn't bring up the 4, 000+ patents issued between 1999 and early 2020 for SARS Coronavirus, or the 120 patents for SARS-COV-2 that show it was not a 'novel' coronavirus either. These have been spoken about by Dr. David Martin (whose business tracks biotechnology patents and business case markets) and Dr Richard M Fleming who have both made Depositions for Court on this topic.
However accidentally or deliberately SARS-COV-2 emerged into the population in this 'pandemic', while a vital question that must be answered, what is far more distressing to me is that it was clearly made in a Lab. They are still making others too despite established laws to the contrary on gain-of-function.


Bravo!!! Dr. Been. Your analysis is excellent. Thank you.


Thank you for this analysis. You haven't mentioned the absence of information on prophylaxis and immune system strengthening - much of which was also cast as "disinformation" at the time, with no real basis for that claim. There were plenty of good preliiminary studies (eg re Vit C, D, zinc, sunlight, nicotine, etc) in the first few months, as well as the vexed question of Ivermectin and HCL as prophylactics. These studies were smeared, and yet no "proper" studies were set up in a timely manner by the CDC et al.
As someone who has gone 2.5 years using those early prophylactic discoveries (and no mask) and never having had Covid, it woud seem to me that this was the biggest missed opportunity. Not only were there early treatment options that were maligned. but it is possible that millons could have escaped infection altogether.


The W.H.O. reply doesn't mention the interference by the billionaire. Read the Politico article.


The analogy to the monkey and the goat summarise excellently their intention. Bravo Dr. Been 👍👏


Sounds to me like they are working together to set an even more draconian reaction to the next experiment 🤨


I wonder what Dr Peter Doshi, editor of the British Medical Journal will make of this article in the Lancet?
