Our Lady's Extraordinary Message to Ivan for 17 September, 2024 | Medjugorje

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Our Lady's Extraordinary Message to Ivan for 17 September, 2024 | Medjugorje

Dear children,

today I call you with urgency to return to the path of peace, prayer, and repentance. The world is being shaken by confusion, fear, and darkness, but I am with you, leading you to the light of my Son, Jesus. He is your only refuge, your only salvation. Without Him, you will not find peace.

I invite you, my children, to place your lives in the hands of God completely. Too many of you are consumed by worldly concerns, distracted by the things that do not lead to eternal life. Your hearts are heavy with burdens that you are not meant to carry alone. My Son is calling you to come to Him, to trust in His mercy, and to let Him lead you in these difficult times. Surrender to His will, for His plans are perfect, even when you cannot understand them.

I especially urge you to deepen your prayer life. Prayer is the only way to truly connect with God and receive His guidance. In prayer, you will find strength, clarity, and peace. My children, you must pray with the heart. Do not let prayer become a routine or a task. Instead, let it be an encounter with God, where you pour out your soul and listen to His voice. Through prayer, the Holy Spirit will guide you and give you the wisdom to face the challenges that lie ahead.

The world is in need of conversion, and I call you to be the light in this darkness. Be witnesses to my Son’s love and mercy. Forgive those who have hurt you, love even those who are difficult to love, and show compassion to the lost. By your example, others will be drawn to the truth. The times you are living in are filled with spiritual battles, and many souls are at risk. Your prayers, sacrifices, and acts of love can make the difference in saving souls.

I ask you to fast and offer sacrifices for the conversion of sinners. Many hearts are closed to God, and only through your prayers and sacrifices can they be softened. Offer your pains, struggles, and joys to my Son. He will use them for the salvation of souls and the healing of the world.

Finally, my children, remain steadfast in faith. Do not be afraid of what is to come, for I am with you, and I protect you with my motherly mantle. Trust in the love of my Son, and He will guide you through every storm. I bless you all and thank you for responding to my call.,

Thanks for watching.,

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