#134 setValue() & patchValue() Methods | Reactive Forms | A Complete Angular Course

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In this lecture, you are going to learn about setValue and patchValue method in reactive forms and what is its use and the difference between them. Both setValue and patchValue method is used to set values for form control.

When we use setValue to set values for form control, we need to pass the exact structure of form object and form group to setValue method. If the structure does not match, angular will throw an error. So, we can use setValue method, when we want to set value for all the form controls in a form.

On the other hand, we can use patchValue when we want to set value for some of the form controls. Here, we do not need to pass the exact structure of form object or form group. Instead, we can pass the structure of form control whose value we want to set.

Let's understand the use of setValue() and patchValue() methods with an example in a reactive form.

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