The Practical Guide to Control Litter Box Smells & Odors

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How do you control the cat odor in your home? If you’re having trouble with the smell in your apartment or house, it's possible that you're missing some pieces to the odor puzzle. Let's start with the litter box!

People are surprised when they step into my apartment. They expected it to smell bad with 4 cats in a small space. It even smells good! I’m not too fond of covering up the smell with artificial perfumed scents either.

Introduction 0:00
Overview of the video: 0:25
Nothing Trumps This 1:02
Litter Types and How Well They Control Odor 1:39
Clay/Sand Litter Odor Control 2:24
Crystal/Silica Gel Odor Control 2:51
Pine Litter Odor Control 3:04
Tofu Litter Odor Control 3:30
Litter Box Placement & Ventilation 4:00
Litter Box Additions to Control Litter 4:40
Pro Odor Suppression Tips 4:54
Schedule Deep Cleans 5:40
Special Items 6:02
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I have 2 cats. I used to live in a small condo with them. My home never smells of cat feces or pee.
Ive tried many types of litter and the conclusion I found is that the key to an almost odourless pee and and poo is to fix their diet. Once they are eating what they should, it does not matter what litter you use and the choice of litter is more to do about the cost, the effect to the environment and tracking factor.

Once my cats was on a raw diet, their feces became firm which hardly stain the box and is almost odourless. The pee is completely smell free.
When cats are fed diet that is biologically appropriate for them, their digestive system absorbs most of their food and the excrement become odour free (almost).
Ive read that this is because cats, lile the big cats in the wild ie tigers, lions ect typically do not have stinking feces as they need to be able to move about with minimal detection from their prey.
Do research raw feeding. Your cat's health will improve and your home will never smell bad again.


My experience;
1. Bentonite; Good odour control and easily cleaned. Unfortunately, it has its own odour and is very dusty. Tracks everywhere and very dusty. Its also heavy and not sustainable.
2. Pine litter; Great odour control but very hard to clean. If you have kittens, they get wood dust all over their body. You need 2 trays and its very difficult to find.
3. Tofu litter. Mid odour control but very easy to clean. Safest option for kittens and does not dust everywhere. Unfortunately, it is very expensive and I have 3 kittens that go through litter very fast.

I now have 4 types of litter boxes, 3 covered and 1 uncovered for my kittens. The stink mostly is from the kittens and I have attempted baking soda, deodorizing beads and mixing. I am running out of options.


Can I be honest? You are way more practical and helpful than Cat Daddy. No offender to him, but you are are a true pro! Great work!


You should do a video on what you feed your cats! Love your channel😊


I always wash my litter box at least once a month with hot boiling water and bleach/Lysol/pine sole it keeps it staying clean, and then when I’m done washing it out I use paper towels to help dry it and then I coat the bottom with baking soda.


I have 2 cats. I’ve tried different litters. Even though I scoop a minimum of twice a day, it still smells like dirty cat litter.


Wood litter is so great and it's cheap too. I have 14 cats and the clumping stuff was awful and heavy and incredibly time consuming to clean.


Clean as you see whats in the litter boxes after a regular scooping round. I own 3 XL Huge litter boxes which take more than a whole big box of litter in each one with a large entranes opens on top side too its NOT safe to keep an enclose litter as bacteria accumilate and cats breath it in! I use Arm and Hammer Cat litter deoterizers and good litter that contain a plesant scent....remember to keep your litter boxes free of waste as it can and will contaminate the litter if left sitting there and Cats hate a dirty litter box! Just remember their smell is many times more sensitive than humans no ones want would want to have to step into a neglected litter box...


I literally scoop right after they've done their business. People can't even tell that I own cats when they come.


Your cat can open the fridge? 😂 that wood pellet travelled far lmao


I've been using Arm & Hammer organic litter. It actually reminds me of saw dust. I actually love it because it last a long time & clumps well.


I have 3 cats and my litter boxes are in my balcony, literally outside. When my cat does it's thing, I scoop it and put it in the trash immediately. I take out the trash everyday and change the whole box every week. My neighbor is complaining that she can't breathe because of the smell and I'm wondering if she's exaggerating/lying, because there is nothing I can't do and her complaints have started to irritate me.


In the toilets i use matches. I light one let it burn for few seconds and then kill it. The burnt smell neutralise the poop smell so well!! Maybe it works with cat smell too.


Do you have any tips for cats peeing in inappropriate places in the home? We have adopted a rescue cat and have had him 2 weeks, he just in the last few days has started to pee on the floor and furniture. We have two trays and use different types of litter. I'm not sure if he is stressed (I have a dog and children but both are kind to the cat) or it could be another issue?


Where did you get that litter box? I really want to replace my cat's litter box and do the pine litter instead. Thank you!


do you experience any problems with enclosed litter boxes? i wanna go with the exnclosed one but my brother told me open litterbox are better for the cats


What’s the litter box your using called? The one of your website looks like it used absorbing pads but I’d rather use the sifting like yours


If i mix the carbon with water and vinegar and spray the litter, will it not clump together? :/


love the channel! where did you get your privacy curtain for your door?


I have 4 cats too, my husband cleans the litter boxes, sometimes it does smell bad like in the afternoon. Sigh The cats sometimes smell, but kitties are like tranquillizers and the hardest job it trimming toenails.
