The Ultimate LOTRO Gameplay Guide for 2023 - Which Class Should I Play?

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If you are a new player to the Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG in 2023, or maybe you used to play LOTRO but you've been on a hiatus, you might feel a bit overwhelmed with the selections. Welcome to my LOTRO gameplay guide where I help guide you towards the class you should play in 2023.

Hint: Middle Earth takes all kinds, so don't get hung up on the little details :) And, if you enjoy this Lord of the Rings Online tutorial, please be sure to like, subscribe, and hit that bell icon so you never miss an update in my ongoing LOTRO gameplay tutorial series!


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Being an old school MMO'er starting way back in December 1999 with Asheron's Call, I fell in love with the genre and being able to play with people around the world. I have played many MMOs some were good, some were not so good, and some just did not hold my interest even though they were popular. I started playing LotRO in May 2007 and have played it off and on ever since. (LIfe sometimes throws a wrench in the gears and things like gaming are put on the back burner) It helps I am a fan of Tolkien's world and the depth his books grant the reader that allow us to delve into a fantasy world like no other. The Peter Jackson movies helped pave a path of visualization and stayed true to the jist of the Lord of the Rings story. Yes they cut some important tidbits but overall it was about as faithful as movies can be. The movies gave us a representation of may of the lands, and of the protgonists and antagonists. It created a foundation of what our mind's eye would see and what in silence we would hear. Unlike (in my opinion) the absolutely horrendous Rings of Power which is about as Tolkienesque as putting anchovies on a banana split sundae and calling it delicious.

Enter Lord of the Rings Online, a faithful adaptation of Tolkien and an epic journey that we would not only get to see visually, but also read through, and hear in both scope of language and music. The game is old school in that it isn't about reaching endgame as fast as possible, but about meandering a path of adventure where we get to live out a fantasy character as pixels on a screen clearing many a foe from the lands and enjoying the huge expanse that is Middle-Earth. While it is possible to fast track to max level, and some choose to focus on that choice, me personally, LotRO isn't about that. It is about taking my time and seeing all the various visual nuances that the devs put into the game like bugs flying around street lights at night, butterflies flittering about in the meadows, places looking as we would expect such as Rohan, and Minas Tirith. The clean and laid back Shire, the hustle and bustle of Bree and Dale, the determination of the Dwarves and their attention to architectural details of rock formations called home, the elegance of Rivendell, and the dark, depressive and forboding feel of Mordor. LotRO visually does it for me in a way I love to se. While the graphics to some are considered 'dated' to me they are the perfect balance of fantasy and realism. They are not cartoonish nor are they trying too hard to be photo realistic. The community of LotRO is also second to none. Most of the players I've encountered on Brandywine (the server I play on) are wonderful people from all walks of life and from all over the globe. The bands that play on Friday nights in Bree, jamming real world tunes, to the plays put on by the players, the ability to play with friends or play solo, the questing, the raids, the crafting, the various classes (Loremaster, Minstrel and Hunter are my favorites)...LotRO has it all and I absolutely love this game. All classes have their merits and I think the developers have done a marvelous job of fixing, tweaking, and making viable all the classes and races for avdenturing in Middle-Earth.

Wow sorry for the book post. I got carried away.


Only tried the game out a bit but I just absolutely love the captain!
It just has such a Don Quixote feel to it.
You basically are playing some maniac that kidnapped the local drunken hobo lying in some back alley in his rags, pushed a flag into his hand and forced him to follow you around while you run around like the maniac you are and literally shout at people until they drop dead.
10/10 would pick again


Thanks for the video, I know the video is a year old but still helps me get an over view on what to expect. Thanks for the content!


The obvious answer is you should play the burglar. The remaining question is whether you should trait red tree or blue tree...but the obvious answer is that you get at least two skill tree tabs so trait both. The other classes are ok, but mostly one can consider them just "burglar support". Minstrels and RKs heal the burglar. Hunters help the Burglar travel to new job destinations and can distract the enemy with their arrows while the Burglar sneaks into get the goods. Guardians and Captains are very good at distracting guards giving the Burglar a clear path. Champions are good at swinging their swords wildly about killing anything near them, which is also an excellent distraction. Lore Masters...well they spend most of their times tending animals and studying weird lore, but they can help a bit on stunning and dazing enemies when they are not trying to keep their animal friends doing something silly. Wardens probably have some combination of moves that may help do something useful in any situation, provided they can remember the sequence. Beorings are great when it comes time to split the loot as they seem more interested in honey than in gold.


Warden maxes out at five for combos. They also have a ranged spec; it's not as strong as the melee, but still usable.


Interesting I never paid attention to this game. Thanks for the overview.


I love this game and Loremaster and Champion are by far my favorites. I was wondering if you've played Neverwinter as in the mmorpg? I think it's pretty good now. I like some of the changes like changing the max level to 20 like it is in many D&D campaigns. And instead later campaigns after level 20, are focused on progression and rewards with some story.


Playing a Champion on Lanrdoval server - love LotRO!! :)


Hello there I'm new to the game and after 15 years playing wow and eso I try to fill my mmo addiction with a new mmo game, lotro seems really interesting for its age and I really want to give it a shoot but is really overwhelming for a new player can I ask you some questions please. For server wise I play on eu is any side to check population I rather play on a busy server if is possible. As well the forums I heard they got new ones but I can't found them if you share me the link of the new forum it will be amazing. I'm between minstrel and runekeeper because I love to play hybrid healer and dps the minstrel dps spec is melee or caster? Last question is about the ui I saw some people on YouTube I don't remember the name of mod or addon who change your ui do you mind let me know the most popular of them please. Sorry for the tones of the questions I will appreciate any reply😊


New player was thinking lore master but not sure what race would be best


I'm a brand new player and was wondering what the best US server to play on is. Thanks


I'm stuck between Warden or Beorning for tanking. Thinking about end game raid viability.


Hi! i'm starting today. Looking for someone to play!


f2p account with 6 already characters ?!?
