Justice Breyer Reveals Why He Didn't 'Respectfully' Dissent The SCOTUS Ruling On Texas

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Stephen welcomes Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to the show and gets right down to business, asking about the court's ruling on the Texas anti-abortion law. Justice Breyer's new book, "The Authority of the Court and the Peril of Politics," is available everywhere now. #Colbert #SupremeCourt #JusticeStephenBreyer

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Any "law" that is worded in such a way to avoid judicial review should be regarded as what it is... Not a law. We have checks and balances and a hierarchy for a reason. No single part of government gets to have both the first _and_ last word on a topic. SCOTUS should have either reviewed it, or struck it down for being "un-reviewable". Abstaining is aiding and abetting Authoritarianism.


Whenever you can have such a brilliant guest on the show, it's such a pleasure to witness the humility and self irony that the guest exudes. Such a joy to listen to the Justice having as much fun in the most sharp witted manner as the host. We are truly fortunate to have minds like his on the Supreme Bench.


This is one of the best interviews I have ever seen. Wonderful to get another look at one of the justices that preside over the country, thank you stephen and his team!


The thing I don't understand about the new law is how they can arbitrarily assign 'legal standing' to everyone - or how they can award $10, 000 if someone can't demonstrate actual 'damages'. I understand there can also be punitive damages in courts - but punitive for what? - if the person suing can't demonstrate personal harm? And without harm, where's the 'standing'?


That was an excellent interview of what I perceive to be an honest forthright person. His demeanor gives faith in the judicial process.
Now bring on the others and see if they deserve the same credibility.


Justice Breyer exudes a refreshing sense of humor! Plus, reassuring self-confidence mixed with humility and patient wisdom.🦋


Do NOT televise SCOTUS hearings. We have enough reality shows. Can we keep something serious?


Brilliant statement that rulings are also for the entire USA and not just the parties of the case.


The one star on the Texas flag is its Yelp review.


For what it is worth and in my opinion, Stephen Colbert is hands down the BEST, out of all the night show host, when it comes to interviewing his guest and often times Colbert will ask those difficult questions without causing the guests to secluded themselves or even flat out end the interview because they didn't want to answer the question.


Justice Breyers frequents my cafe when he’s in Boston visiting his alma matter… he’s a nice, quite, reserved guy; gets either a small coffee or a cappuccino: no nonsense. I would have never known who he was, if it had not been for a breathlessly-excited, Harvard law school student, ran up to us and was like “Do you know who that was?!” After seeing a few times, while plenty of controversial cases were being handled, and I was like, “Wait, why doesn’t he have secret service or something? This guy is just wandering around alone and vulnerable, with great power, in politically tumultuous times…?” I got worried. Especially was a liberal judge, I started thinking “What the hell are you doing out in public? Risking all this shit!? Get back in your safe!”


I'm the first to leave a comment 😊👍
Luv & Light to ALL who come here. 💖
U hardly ever see a Judge with a sense of humour like this guy👍


Posses? Anyone remember McCarthyism? Too utterly scary for words.


He's right on the Texas issue. The majority was playing it too cute in order to please a political faction, a serious dereliction of due diligence. I'm of two minds on the cameras in court issue but it really should be about the law and not personalities and politics.


Thoroughly enjoyed meeting. Interesting to see how Justice Breyer's mind works to locate the truth, even when chatting w Stephen. Elegance of cognition and communication. Add more such justices.!


If RBG retired as she was asked during Obama's years, Amy Coney Barrett wouldn't be in office. This old dude needs to retire.


Seems like a great man, but please retire as long as Biden can still replace him 🤷‍♀️


It’s amazing how sharp this guy is at the age of 83!


Sweet Jesus, Justice Breyer, RESIGN while we can get a lib replacement.


Men should not decide on how women decide what to do with their bodies
