LinuxDays 2018 - Docker na superpočítači? Ano, jmenuje se Singularity! - Josef Hrabal

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Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. Application with all settings and libraries can be packed together and then be run on any other computer. It is perfect for developers, hosting providers, server farms, you name it! But, is it so good for supercomputers too? Let's look at why there are some problems with using the Docker in shared environment and why the Singularity is different. The Singularity is developed with HPC in mind and is directly aimed to be used on HPC clusters with the direct support of technology like the OpenMPI is. We will show you how to use Singularity, convert Docker images, create new containers and everything you have to know about running a Singularity container in HPC environment.

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