Dating off the beaten path: what to do if you are unconventional

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Dating as an unconventional person can be extremely demoralizing. Genuine connection is rare, and you may feel as though you need to repress your originality in order to achieve some measure of success. To secure relationships, conventional people should go where the masses congregate. However, unconventional people should get as far away from the crowds as possible. They will need to date off the beaten path. This can be scary (and counterintuitive) but it works.

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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.

#psychology #dating #relationship
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Dating as an unconventional person can be extremely demoralizing. Genuine connection is rare, and you may feel as though you need to repress your originality in order to achieve some measure of success. To secure relationships, conventional people should go where the masses congregate. However, unconventional people should get as far away from the crowds as possible. They will need to date off the beaten path. This can be scary (and counterintuitive) but it works.

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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.

#psychology #dating #relationship


psychprofile AI fixes this. Unconventional dating can be demoralizing.


I wasn't aware how fatherless I was until i found this channel


This may not be the most esoteric ground breaking episode. But, for me, it might be the most uplifting, realistic and practically useful advice yet.


Being an actual man = unconventional
Being religious = unconventional
Having standards/morals = unconventional
Disciplined/Frugal = unconventional

See where I'm going with this?


As an unconventional woman, I really appreciated this video. It's a good reminder that I need to keep going with my approach of having a polarising dating profile, going to public lectures and philosophy clubs, experimental music gigs, and just generally heading towards whatever is unusual. Thank you.


If something is important to you, make sure your partner at min accept it.

Saying that, if you value health and fitness, I’d personally recommend being with someone who value that as well. This is not just a random interest.


This is absolutely true to what happened in my life in the past 7-12 months. I am over 40 years old. Without going into MUCH detail let’s just say that I met my person, my future, my lifelong love through an unconventional fetish dating site. We have a healthy D/s relationship. I was not being true to myself as a Dom and was trying to meet people in the most conventional ways possible and those relationships never worked out and were very unfulfilling to me. Great video! 👍🏽


You are a wise man, Orion! Reading your book The Value of Others has been a reality check for me. Many uncomfortable truths in it - I am a 74 year old woman - but in accepting those truths it has allowed me to see how to position myself to better effect. This video enlarges upon that. So thank you. Your insights are invaluable even if sometimes painful. 😊


In summary: go to places where you're likely to meet people like you.


Niche marketing. Present yourself to the target audience, not the masses. I am going to yoga classes, an atheist meetup and a book club in the next few weeks. I may not meet someone special but I will at least have something in common with everyone there. Dating apps and bars just don't work for me.


I've experimented with all of this. There is an underlying assumption that it's one thing or the other—go off the beaten path or go conventional to increase the numbers game. You need both. I tried both and found that moving somewhere else both took me off the beaten path AND increased the number of options to choose from.


I’m an unconventional thinker and accepting that was very important. I realised that I was not going to be in a conventional relationship and that was OK. Making peace with that against cultural conventions made me content.


What you described is called niche marketing. Instead of targeting a wide audience, focus to target a niched, specific audience and capitalize on it. it's sort of like being a generalist vs a specialist, but tailored to the dating market.

You'll still have to jumo through the typical hoops and annoyances associated to modern dating, but at least you should have a common ground with whatever woman you'll be dating, the rest will be like a roll of a dice.


"if you're unconventional and you go to where the people are to date... you will be miserable." PROVEN TRUE


This is a one-in-a-million piece of quality advice.


This is exactly how I’ve found people to date. Brilliant video. And absolutely accurate in its message. Go where you are interested and you will find others who feel the same.


This video basically says to fish where the fish are. At least those you want to catch. Don't just throw a random line out in the middle of the ocean.


I know you didn’t make this video just for me, but it feels like you did. Thank you ❤


“Never tell me the odds”-Han Solo
The point here is really find your community (something that lacks more so these days with social media isolation) and your personality to it too...Funny people get with funny people..Girls obsessed with looks & status get with guys who are obsessed with looks & status, and so on.
