I had sex, and spotted blood 6 days before my period. Am I pregnant?
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If you're having unprotected sex there's always a chance that you could be pregnant. You mentioned that you've had regular periods but you had a little bit of spotting and it was six days before your period was supposed to start. Now um... if the days go on and you still don't start your period then it would be best to take the over the counter pregnancy tests. And if you get a negative results but you still suspect that you might be pregnant than it would be best to call your doctor. If you are pregnant that little amount of spotting can be due to implantation spotting. But this is a diagnosis given by your doctor after they've ruled out all other complications but this can happen about ten to fourteen days after fertilization. Which usually happens around the time when you would start your normal period so some women due notice some light spotting and their questions whether or not they had a period. So again the best thing to do would be take a pregnancy test if it's positive be sure to contact your doctor and make your first prenatal appointment. Good luck with everything and if you have another other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.