How to create documentation for Rest API using springdoc-openapi

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#CreateDocumentationForRest #documentationopen-api #open-apispringboot
How to create documentation for Rest API
1. You have api which build using springboot
2. API already import to intellij IDEA
3. You have connection internet for download springdoc-openapi

Let's jump right in
2. reload project, for download openapi from maven central to your maven local
4. add some description to our api (open your controller)
5. run your api

Finish, happy learning and happy sharing !!!

Success, happy learning and happy sharing!!!
Рекомендации по теме

i see whitelabel error page at /swagger-ui, /swagger-ui/, /swagger-ui.html, /swagger-ui-custom.html, /swagger-ui/index.html, /swagger-ui/index.html#/, /swagger-ui/index.html/, etc
And also on /api-docs but my pages works correctly. What can be problem?
