How to Connect Micro Bit to Scratch and Micro Bit Features for Scratch

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So just what is micro bit? Micro:bit is a tiny circuit board designed to help kids learn to code and create with technology. It has many features including an LED display, buttons, and a motion sensor. You can connect it to Scratch and build creative projects that combine the magic of the digital and physical worlds. To use micro bit with Scratch, you’ll need to download Scratch Link. This enables your computer to communicate the microbit. You’ll need to down the Scratch .hex file onto your micro bit.
So what can you do with a micro bit? On Scratch it has some limitations, but they are best used for controllers. We can access the move, shake, tilt and jump functions of the motion sensor. We can control the LEDs and also interact with the micro bit using the pin connectors and two buttons.
Surfing Scratcher wants to show learners, students, educators and teachers how to learn mathematics through coding games online with Scratch 3 programming projects. Whether you are a Scratch beginner, or you're an educator wondering how to use Scratch in your classroom or looking for lessons & resources for your classroom, Surfing Scratcher is here to help you on your journey.
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