The 5th Horseman of Atheism is Christian Now (and I don't care)

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali was a prominent atheist activist and spokesperson. Now she’s a Christian. Here’s why her conversion is interesting and why her supernatural beliefs are the least important part of this development.


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00:00 Ayaan: The 5th Horseman of Atheism
01:37 Her article
03:20 Atheist responses to Ayaan’s conversion
04:47 Evangelical Christian responses
05:17 Why her conversion isn’t a big change
05:55 The ACTUAL interesting part of her conversion
07:11 Why I don’t care if Ayaan is religious

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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I’m not getting the impression she is now pro-Jesus. She always seemed more anti-Islam than atheist. Her christianity seems like a continuation of that.


Nobody undermines Christianity more than political Christians themselves.


I remember her saying that ‘we need to give Muslims the option to switch to Christianity to fight against Islamism’ — no surprise. She’s always been a mixed bag for me.


It's very telling that her "reasons for becoming a Christian" didn't include anything about believing that Christianity was actually true, but rather just seeing it as a utility tool for accomplishing political goals.

What surprised me is how readily every Christian seems to be to just accept and embrace it. I thought a lot more of them would be calling her out for the fact that she all but admits that she doesn't actually believe it's true, but instead the majority of the Christians commenting on it seem to be embracing her hypocritical adopting of the label.


Maybe the real horseman was the friends we made along the way!

❤ you drew! Keep up the amazing work. I've been binging you and Taylor's content. Your compassion and empathy is palpable.


Being a Christian Nationalist without actually believing in Christianity is a new one, but I’m sure we’re going to see more of that.


Essentially she has come full circle from being the person that religion is intended to control, to being the person who wants to use religion to control others. Lol.


Ayaan is an opportunist, her religion is herself and what benefits her. From lying on her asylum application, to entering Dutch politics as a left-winger, shifting to the right when that made her more popular, to the extreme right when that gave her more clout. As right-wing politics in the USA is entwined with conservative Christianity, her becoming a Christian is only a 'logical' next step.
(I'm a Dutch ex-muslim, same age as Ayaan. I followed her career from the beginning.)


It’s weird that we have this dichotomy between Christianity and atheism. Just once I would like to hear someone say “I’m no longer an atheist; I believe in the Hellenistic pantheon of gods and goddesses who sometimes interact with humanity.”


Hard to accuse her of never being a real atheist when, based on that article, she seems to still be one right now.


Her being on prageru is already enough reason to never care about anything she has to say.


*a christian leaves the faith for bad reasons* "You were obviously never a true christian!"

*an atheist joins the faith for bad reasons* "Hallelujah! God is good! Welcome!! I knew the lord would lead you here some day!*


The reason she doesn't address the religious question of being a Christian is because this is an entirely political stunt. She's a Christian in the American style (ie., political religion) because she wants to burrow more deeply into her right-wing milieu, methinks.


Everytime I hear any right leaning pundit using "wokeism" as a blanket thing to slander something that doesn't fit their worldview I feel like an exasperated Inigo Montoya telling a baffled Vezzini that he keeps using a word that doesn't mean what he thinks it means lol


imagine becoming a christian because you're afraid of being woke


As a Dutch person it's interesting how Americans view her. When she lived here and was politically active here, she wasn't known for her atheism. We're mostly atheism here anyway. She was known for being anti-islam and she hated the political left. So this change in faith weather real or not doesn't surprise me at all.


It seems to be a trend among right leaning\right wing atheist that make their money from being right wing, to claim that they are now Christians. I am not sure if she has genuinely converted, or if being Christian just fits her grift more.


I guarantee this woman just did a cost-benefit analysis, and determined she’d gotten all the mileage out of being an Atheist that she could, and in order to continue the political dark web grift, she’d be more successful identifying as a Christian.


We've all been saying, all of us, for _years_ now, 'It's a shame us atheists are so moral because there'd be so much money in being a 'former atheist' and working for Fox or something.'
WELP. It was only a matter of time before someone with dubious ethics would make the predictable jump.


Her argument is weak, insofar as it's completely utilitarian. Sam Harris dealt with this kind of thinking years ago. To paraphrase, the fact that believing that there's a gigantic diamond buried in your backyard gives you some kind of pleasure doesn't make it true. And whether it's true matters.
