Türkiye uçan araba yarışında: Cezeri gökyüzünde - The first flight out of the flying car - Baykar
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Türkiye, dünyadaki uçan araba yarışında yer almak için ilk adımı attı. Geçen yıl İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilen TEKNOFEST’te sergilenen Cezeri Uçan Araba’nın ilk uçuşu başarıyla yapıldı.
Bayraktar TB2 insansız hava aracını güvenlik güçlerine kazandıran, yüksek faydalı yük taşıma kapasitesine sahip Akıncı’yı geliştirme çalışmalarında sona gelen Baykar, Cezeri Uçan Araba Projesi’nde de önemli bir adım attı.
9 aylık bir geliştirme sonunda TEKNOFEST’te boy gösteren Cezeri, görücüye çıktıktan 1 yıl sonra da havalanmayı başardı.
İlk prototipi tek kişiyi taşımaya yönelik olarak geliştirilen araç, ilerleyen dönemde 2 ve 4 kişiyi taşıyabilecek.
Cezeri Uçan Araba, sağlık sektörü ve askeri alanda lojistik destek faaliyetlerine yeni bir çehre kazandırmak için geliştiriliyor. Bunun yanı sıra Cezeri, yolcu ve kargo taşımacılığında aktif olarak rol alacak şekilde tasarlanıyor.
Dikey kalkış ve iniş yapan Cezeri, saatte 100 kilometre hıza çıkabilecek. Azami uçuş irtifası 2 bin metre olan Cezeri, yaklaşık 1 saat havada kalabilecek. Cezeri, 70-80 kilometre menzile sahip olacak.
Yaklaşık 240 kilogram ağırlığa ve 8 motora sahip aracın bataryaları, 1 saatte tam doluma ulaşacak.
#Cezeri #Baykar #UçanAraba #FlyingCar
The first flight out of the flying car
Turkey has taken the first step to taking part in the flying car racing world.
The first flight of the Cezeri Flying Car, which was exhibited at TEKNOFEST in Istanbul last year, was successfully carried out.
Baykar, which brought the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle to the security forces and came to an end in the development of Akıncı, which has a high payload carrying capacity, took an important step in the Cezeri Flying Car Project.
Cezeri, who showed up at TEKNOFEST at the end of a 9-month development, managed to take off 1 year after its show.
The vehicle, whose first prototype was developed to carry a single person, will be able to carry 2 and 4 people in the future.
Cezeri Uçan Araba is being developed to bring a new face to logistics support activities in the health sector and military field. In addition, Cezeri is designed to take an active role in passenger and cargo transportation.
Making vertical take-off and landing, Cezeri will be able to reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Al-Jazari, whose maximum flight altitude is 2 thousand meters, will be able to stay in the air for about 1 hour. Al-Jazari will have a range of 70-80 kilometers.
With a weight of approximately 240 kilograms and 8 engines, the batteries of the vehicle will reach full charge in 1 hour.
The vehicle, which has a high level of security, is equipped with a three redundant fully autonomous flight control system. Cezeri will work with an artificial intelligence computer-aided flight system.
The vehicle, which uses carbon fiber structures, has a light and durable cabin and engine arms.
Nearly 50 flying car prototypes have been or continue to be developed in the world. Al-Jazari, like other vehicles in this field, has a difficult road ahead.
It is considered that one of the technology examples of the future, Cezeri, after completing the tough tests and being certified, can turn into a commercial product and hit the road in 10-15 years.
Bayraktar TB2 insansız hava aracını güvenlik güçlerine kazandıran, yüksek faydalı yük taşıma kapasitesine sahip Akıncı’yı geliştirme çalışmalarında sona gelen Baykar, Cezeri Uçan Araba Projesi’nde de önemli bir adım attı.
9 aylık bir geliştirme sonunda TEKNOFEST’te boy gösteren Cezeri, görücüye çıktıktan 1 yıl sonra da havalanmayı başardı.
İlk prototipi tek kişiyi taşımaya yönelik olarak geliştirilen araç, ilerleyen dönemde 2 ve 4 kişiyi taşıyabilecek.
Cezeri Uçan Araba, sağlık sektörü ve askeri alanda lojistik destek faaliyetlerine yeni bir çehre kazandırmak için geliştiriliyor. Bunun yanı sıra Cezeri, yolcu ve kargo taşımacılığında aktif olarak rol alacak şekilde tasarlanıyor.
Dikey kalkış ve iniş yapan Cezeri, saatte 100 kilometre hıza çıkabilecek. Azami uçuş irtifası 2 bin metre olan Cezeri, yaklaşık 1 saat havada kalabilecek. Cezeri, 70-80 kilometre menzile sahip olacak.
Yaklaşık 240 kilogram ağırlığa ve 8 motora sahip aracın bataryaları, 1 saatte tam doluma ulaşacak.
#Cezeri #Baykar #UçanAraba #FlyingCar
The first flight out of the flying car
Turkey has taken the first step to taking part in the flying car racing world.
The first flight of the Cezeri Flying Car, which was exhibited at TEKNOFEST in Istanbul last year, was successfully carried out.
Baykar, which brought the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle to the security forces and came to an end in the development of Akıncı, which has a high payload carrying capacity, took an important step in the Cezeri Flying Car Project.
Cezeri, who showed up at TEKNOFEST at the end of a 9-month development, managed to take off 1 year after its show.
The vehicle, whose first prototype was developed to carry a single person, will be able to carry 2 and 4 people in the future.
Cezeri Uçan Araba is being developed to bring a new face to logistics support activities in the health sector and military field. In addition, Cezeri is designed to take an active role in passenger and cargo transportation.
Making vertical take-off and landing, Cezeri will be able to reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Al-Jazari, whose maximum flight altitude is 2 thousand meters, will be able to stay in the air for about 1 hour. Al-Jazari will have a range of 70-80 kilometers.
With a weight of approximately 240 kilograms and 8 engines, the batteries of the vehicle will reach full charge in 1 hour.
The vehicle, which has a high level of security, is equipped with a three redundant fully autonomous flight control system. Cezeri will work with an artificial intelligence computer-aided flight system.
The vehicle, which uses carbon fiber structures, has a light and durable cabin and engine arms.
Nearly 50 flying car prototypes have been or continue to be developed in the world. Al-Jazari, like other vehicles in this field, has a difficult road ahead.
It is considered that one of the technology examples of the future, Cezeri, after completing the tough tests and being certified, can turn into a commercial product and hit the road in 10-15 years.