Cumrun Vafa: Is String Theory Actually Science? (368)

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Many argue that string theory cannot be proven and should therefore be abandoned. For them, string theory is not science at all. But are they right?

Here to discuss these claims with me is none other than Cumrun Vafa! Cumrun is the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the Department of Physics at Harvard University, where he has been researching and teaching theoretical physics since 1985. His primary area of research is string theory.

In our interview, we discussed why we should trust String Theory, Fine Tuning, and the message he'd put into a billion-year time capsule. We also talked about his recently released book Puzzles to Unravel the Universe.

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Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)
Judging a book by its cover (00:49)
What is a puzzle versus a mystery? (03:23)
Is string theory actually science? (10:22)
Dimensional analysis (16:47)
Singularities (19:26)
ADS and 5 dimensions (26:11)
Abandoning string theory (33:20)
Supersymmetry (34:19)
On religion (38:58)
A scorecard for physics (51:26)
What would your "ethical will" be? (55:59)
What have you accomplished that once seemed impossible? (1:01:31)

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Рекомендации по теме

I know Eric Weinstein has a big influence on string theory hate but Sean Carroll said, and I agree, that it doesn't cost much to study strings. Let them do it and let others study other things. Eric just has ptsd and to be frank, he's being a whiny (Weiny?) baby. Let it go bro. He works for a literal demon in Peter Thiel. I don't think I'll listen to Eric Weinstein on what's right and wrong.


To help remember, I sometimes track backwards from the 'now' To visualise how to do this, I try to follow the reversed timeline of an ethereal thread of string with all its knots and nodules. I suppose following a trail of breadcrumbs would yield a similar outcome


Mysteries require new information to be solved; puzzles require insight.


This was really interesting.Listening to conversations where I get the impression that you don't hold back is of immense interest. As an amateur in the field I will certainly not grasp a number of things, but I think the level of the discussion encourages further study, which as far as I'm concerned is something very positive.


The string is in 4 Dimensions, when 90909 / sqrt(22727 × 22726) = 4.00013200545625..
1 inch ~ c^x/(G^y N^z) predicts String Theory.
9×3~ 2+7 so Pythagorean 9 squares the circle in 4D..


When he says something's moving.
How does he know that it's not time that's fluctuating rather than a fabric fluctuating? If time can bend, can it not also wave?


My God, I just understood the idea of quantum gravity! Thank you. I have been trying to get an understanding for years. This was a satori moment!!😂


Thank you very much Professor Keating! I'm always amazed that the conversations are even more inspiring every time. It's imho all top quality and your channel deserves a lot more attention!


Should we give up and abandon String Theory?


Steven Weinberg, after initially being interested in string theory, called it a non quantum theory (after careful consideration).


Right, the speed of light is not constant everywhere since the measures of time and distance are not constant everywhere. Only someone from the Amazon could explain this simple aspect of general relativity to you.


Strings 2023 was awesome! I can’t wait for Strings 2024! Although, I doubt it will top 2023. That one was particularly special, for several reasons- both intentional and coincidental.


I need to say that you're one of the best podcasters I have ever had the pleasure listening to! Very respectful and cheerful. Thank you so much.


Is the diameter of a black hole way bigger than the circumference? And if one was "inside" a black hole, would a "star" be smeared around the perimeter shining in rather than a star at the center shining out, such as in a solar system?


Observation is the only explanation that's necessary, while experimental research is the core of physics 👍. Dr.Brian Keating is just the dude for the job. Peace ✌️


I like with Brian Keating's statement a devout agnostic lol


Did he just say that the dimension of space-time is not an invariant quantity? I love it!


I'm going with Sabine Hossenfelder: "String theory may once have been a promising approach to a theory of everything. It no longer is." Contributions, yes. But it is a theory that is routinely in triage. Time to be merciful and send it to hospice.


it's wonderful to listen to one the leading professor of mathematics and physics! Thank you ❤


No. Or yes. The criterion of demarcation in science is an unsolvable problem. Who ever screams louder gets their way on what science is or not.
