ServiceNow most asked 35 Interview questions with Answers/suggestions || #serviecnow #interview

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#servicenow #coding #interviewquestions #interview
1. What is the parent table of Incident and Change applications ? - task
2. What are the Applications you see in ITSM? - incident change problem request/task knowledge
3. What is Dictionary? What is Dictionary override ? sys_dictionary.
4. What is Reference Qualifier ?
5. What is ACL and Uses? How ACL is run? What role is required for ACL creation? (security_admin).
8. Which role is needed to create reports? who can manager reports -- report_admin
9. What is the difference between homepage and Dashboard?
10. What is Coalesce and its types.
11. What are the types of Business rules?
12. What is difference between After and before BR?
13. What is Aysnc BR?
14. What is g_scratchpad? sree ===== server side
15. What API is used to call Server script from Client Side Script?
16. What is Script Include? -- What are the different methods in GlideAjax?
var ga = new GlideAjax('shoping');
18. What are the types of Client Script . (- how is hide the field using client script - setDisplay setVisible
19. What is the table name of Work notes in incident table ? (Journal Entry sys_journal_field)
20. Difference between UI Policy and Data policy ?
21. Based on which table Priority Field works. What is Data lookup?
23. What is Record producer?
24. How is update function works in server side script ?
25. What is Service catalog?
26. What are the events in Workflow ?
27. How will you send emails using Scripts?
28. What are tags in Incident table?
29. What are the types of SLA’s .
30. What is transform maps?
31. How to update any record without changing the Updated by or updated on fields in any table ?32.
33. What is the use of impersonation in servicenow?
34. How to find out deleted records .
35. Best Practices of BR?
- How to give introduction for 3 years of experience
- What is your roles and res in current project
- what are the developments you did.
- for P1 incient, what is SLA.
- do we have sync business rule
- variable and variable set
- what is scoped application

- REST API parameters/methods - get post put patch delete
- CMMI level ?
- MID server?
Рекомендации по теме

1. The parent table of Incident and Change applications in ServiceNow is the "task" table.
2. The applications in ITSM (IT Service Management) include Incident, Change, Problem, Request/Task, and Knowledge.
3. Dictionary in ServiceNow is a collection of metadata that defines the structure and behavior of tables and fields. Dictionary override is a customization feature that allows modifying the properties of dictionary entries without modifying the base system dictionary.
4. Reference Qualifier is a condition defined on a reference field that filters the available choices based on specific conditions.
5. ACL (Access Control List) in ServiceNow is a security mechanism that controls access to records and fields. ACLs determine which users or roles can perform specific operations on data. They are run whenever an action is performed on a record, such as reading, creating, updating, or deleting. The role required for ACL creation is "security_admin."
8. The role needed to create reports in ServiceNow is "report_admin." Users with this role can manage reports.
9. A homepage is a personalized landing page in ServiceNow that displays relevant information and allows users to access various modules and features. A dashboard, on the other hand, is a collection of widgets that provide real-time data and visualizations for specific metrics or processes.
10. Coalesce in ServiceNow is a data import technique used to identify and merge duplicate records. It helps prevent the creation of duplicate entries by identifying similar records based on specified fields. There are three types of coalesce methods: Exact Match, Partial Match, and Script.
11. The types of Business Rules in ServiceNow are Before, After, Async, and Display.
12. The main difference between After and Before Business Rules is the timing of their execution. Before Business Rules are executed before the record is saved or updated, while After Business Rules are executed after the record is saved or updated.
13. Async BR (Asynchronous Business Rule) in ServiceNow is a type of business rule that allows executing lengthy or time-consuming operations in the background without blocking the user interface. It enables asynchronous processing, enhancing system performance and user experience.
14. "g_scratchpad" is a server-side variable in ServiceNow that allows storing and accessing data between different business rules or scripts within the same server transaction. It provides a temporary storage area for passing data between different script actions.
15. The GlideAjax API is used to call server-side scripts from client-side scripts in ServiceNow.
16. A Script Include in ServiceNow is a reusable script that can be accessed from various other scripts or business rules. It encapsulates a set of functions or methods that can be called from different parts of the system. GlideAjax is one such class used to invoke server-side scripts from client-side scripts.
18. The types of Client Scripts in ServiceNow are OnLoad, OnChange, and OnSubmit. To hide a field using client script, you can use the setDisplay method to set the visibility of the field to false.
19. The table name of Work notes in the Incident table is "sys_journal_field."
20. UI Policy and Data Policy are two different customization features in ServiceNow. UI Policy is used to control the behavior of form elements (fields) on a form, based on specified conditions. Data Policy, on the other hand, is used to enforce data integrity and control field values during record creation or modification.
21. The Priority field in ServiceNow works based on the "incident" table. Data lookup is a feature in ServiceNow that allows retrieving values from related tables based on defined relationships.
23. A Record Producer in ServiceNow is a catalog item that allows users to create new records in a target table. It provides a form-like interface where users can fill in the required details and submit the record for creation.


Thanks sir. It was great learning about servicenow for interviews


A very good explanation much experienced looks sir.🎉


Excellent explainantion. Working in Big 4 this is what usually been asked.


To see the report module you need at least ITIL role or report_user role.
So not all users can create reports.


Thank you Sir, Are you providing any training sessions online ?


any one tell me that ui policy is executed after client script but why?


How to call workflows in Business rules Bro?


Someone please post all of their correct answers as those in the information box are not all answered.


Is this interview for development role or support role?


Sir any online classes for service Now..


I'm a fresher in can i get the job..tell me sir
