Microscopes for SMD Soldering || $15 VS $45 VS $189

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In this VS episode we will compare three different microscopes for SMD soldering and find out whether it is necessary to spend a lot of money to get decent magnification or whether the cheapie microscope does the job just fine.

2011 Lookalike by Bartlebeats
Killing Time, Kevin MacLeod
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Pro-tip for the $15 Microscope! Open the bottom part (Where the lens is) and twist the focal lens into place properly, when I did it with mine it actually improved the image quality a heck of a lot!


It is interesting that the hand shake often experienced by those soldering SMD parts, disappears when a microscope is used. I have concluded that the hand shaking is due to a limited amplification in the human control loop. Human muscle control is adequate for the task, the limitation is in the optical feedback. In other words higher optical magnification improves the gain in the human feed back path and reduces the tendency for the system to go into involuntary oscillation.
I use an long reach optical microscope, which works very well. It is important to use an extractor fan to remove the solder fumes. If this is not done, it will not be long before the object lens is covered in a translucent layer of condensed solder flux.


That $190 microscope has been built from an off-the-shelf dashcam (mine looks almost identical), and it seems to be running the stock firmware as well. That's why it has the screensaver, and it's supposed to have a lipo inside that would keep the settings.
You can most likely pop it open an add the lipo yourself, or even better, a suitable supercap. Could be an interesting video opportunity.


The operating system on the $45 and $189 microscope look exactly like a dashcam. I think it's literally just a rebranded dashcam's recording circuit with a screen slapped on them. This explains the 2 minute screensaver.


I just received the $15 one a few days ago, haven't used it for soldering yet (I have a project on the way - my first, building a cheap $20 oscilloscope), but my son and I had fun using the microscope very close up on things. The zoom seems to have two focus ranges, one medium and one VERY zoomed in but must be almost touching the front lens area. This is the level we were playing with (you couldn't do any soldering at this zoom level), and we could see quite amazing detail of the tiny threads of clothing, the shiny ink of a tiny letter printed on paper, fascinating skin detail around the edge of my fingernail, etc. After a half-hour of just wonder and fun, I said out loud that the microscope already paid for itself!


A microscope to solder the DNA inside cells


The first $15 microscope has a small plastic lens cap (dust cover) that comes off that'll give you a clearer image. I noticed in you close-up shots you still had that cover on.


Highly recommend to use a cell phone, a microscope lens for phones and a cheap eBay metal base to hold your phone. Much cheaper and better quality after all.


Love this, I have the middle one. At 57 my eyes are not good enough anymore and I have to have something. Magnifying glasses don’t work very well unless they are good glass and cost a lot so you need to do something. This was nice for everyone to see although a lot of younger people don’t understand but one day you will.


Try taking apart the $180 one and see if there are battery contacts that you can solder a lipo battery so the settings are not lost on reboot


9 times out of 10 I personally just use a 10X magnification jewler's loupe for my SMD soldering. It is plenty good enough for most applications and can be had very cheaply. I got mine from Harbor Freight. The package also came with 3X, 5X and 7X loupes.


I have a similar 15$ microscope and I've noticed that the image quality gets quite better if you remove the small plastic cap covering the camera chip. I think it is mostly used to prevent dust from going on the chip, but since the microscope is pointed downwards I don't think this is an issue when using it. Once I'm done using it I put the cap back on.


for the 15 dollar one I have noticed that you did not remove transparent protective cap when working - remove the cap and quality will be better :)


I have started using my iphones magnifier feature, it works great if you have a holder for it. Enable it under Settings / General / Accessibility / Magnifier and push the home button three times to activate it. I have modded a case for my phone by adding a jewelers loupe for even better magnification.


Am I the only one who notices the breath at the end of every clip? Anyway, thank you for all your videos, best sub this year :)


If you have a DSLR, macro extension tubes can get you in pretty close. Hook up the live-view output to a monitor of some sort and it works pretty well!


You should do a video upgrading one of your microscopes


I got the $15 one, but with the separate aluminum stand for stability that works fantastic. I also use the Windows native Camera app for it which works better than amcap, in my opinion. Also, someone else noted the protective cap was still on covering the lens, so removing it will improve the image.


Blurry image? @2:28 and @2:85, you have to take the transparent cap off (the flat disk)!


I use the $45 microscope and love it. It's great not only for SMD soldering but also circuit board inspection as well. I find the internal battery a great space saver, no wires, nor do I have to look away from the work area to look at a computer monitor. This microscope does everything I need.
