The Owner Also ASKED ME to TRIM the Neighbor's HEDGE While He Was on Vacation

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A few years ago I had already trimmed the hedge in this yard, but after a while the owner asked me for help again, as the hedge had grown again, as well as the owner asked me to trim the hedge in front of the neighbor's house, as the house has been empty for a long time and he mows the neighbor's lawn himself.
I set about trimming the hedge which was the most overgrown and was to the right of the house, for this job I had to use a more powerful Stihl HS82R trimmer. I had to roll out the neighbor's trailer as it was in the way of my work, then I had a hard time opening the door to the yard as the back side was overgrown with ivy. After trimming I loaded everything into the trailer and mowed the grass where the trailer was parked before and at the last moment when I was finishing mowing I broke the handle on my mower, then I started trimming inside the yard, then I bagged everything and dumped it into the trailer, but since the trailer was fully loaded I had to go to the dump to unload it, but I didn't film the unloading because it was too crowded.
My camera caught a funny moment when a small child was walking by with his mother, he said hello to the camera, I already saw this when I was editing the video, so I decided to leave it in my video!
When I came back about an hour later I continued cleaning the inside of the yard and also trimmed two bushes in front of the house and after that I started trimming the hedge of the neighbor's house, then I cleared everything and started removing weeds from the sidewalk with the Stihl KMA135, and finally I cleaned the paving stones inside the yard a little, as everything was quite overgrown with weeds. When the job was done I blew everything out.
It took me 7 hours to do this job!
Рекомендации по теме

Kustorez, you are a mystery man - we know nothing about you other than you are the best gardener in Germany!


You have the energy of THREE people, Kustorez! What a MASSIVE project. Everything looks excellent, now! GREAT job. 👍👍


I thought the hedges, bushes, and trees would never end! Then, out came the weed eater!
This is, by far, my favorite garden/yard transformation! Great job, my young brother! 🙏🏾👍🏾😍❤️🤗
From Alexandria, VA USA 🇺🇸


"Only 7 hours !"...It would take me 7 days to get through that jungle. SUPER work Kustorez....


You truly are the Master of cutting hedges!! That was an incredible amount of hard work!! Kudos!!


This man isn’t scared of a hard days work, a rarity these days, first time watching this Chanel, impressed. 👏👏


Awesome Kustorez!!! You are the "King" of hedge trimmers & definitely show your pride in the work you do. 👍💯


You are an amazing man! All the money in the world couldn’t get me to do that job!❤❤❤


Sir, you are an awesome worker! It is easy to see how you take pride in your work. You are very thorough and talentedly skilled. I enjoy watching your success. Thank you for sharing.


Watching you skillfully trim this bushes is sooo satisfying & entertaining, , excellent job!!


Viewing from North Carolina USA. You are a Master at trimming hedges. Just an awesome job!!! I so enjoy your videos.


I always enjoy your videos as you meticulously trim hedges and tidy up yards & gardens, but I especially love these long videos where you tackle many different areas. You are a master hedge trimmer and always leave the area as clean as possible, even in the tightest areas. Looking forward to your next videos from here in Florida, USA 🇺🇸


Another hard ass day and what a difference you made, yet again! You truly do the work of 6 men. Love the brick houses and you always make them so classically beautiful. Well done! Blessings from the PNW, Lakewood, Washington! 💛🖤💛


Hi Kustovez- I tried to sculpt my little boxwood bush and let’s just say that I am very happy it is in my backyard and no one else can see it! 😂 😂😂
Excellent job as always ❤


You get the award! Nest landscaper there is. God bless you. I had to stay up late just to watch you finish! god bless!


Your skillful hands have completely transformed this space. The dangerous animals hiding in the dense grass are fleeing, and you’ve brought cleanliness and freshness to the homeowner. It looks so peaceful. I truly appreciate you!❤❤


You are one hardworking man, Mr.Kustorez.


😂 That looked more like a wilderness than a hedge.. great transformation ❤


It always makes me smile when you pick up your shovel by treading on the blade. Funny and impressive at the same time.


Good lord, I thought we lost you in there! Well done 😊
