If You Dare to Look Within… (It’ll be Hell, but It Might Save Your Life!)

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“The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler


"If the world were healthier, it wouldn't be dangerous to look within" THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!! ❤ YES!!! 100%!!!


I'm a grown man and only a yesterday did I fully realize that my biggest bully in life has always been my own father. So crazy. Time for me to take care of me!


If I hadn't looked within myself and kept trying to heal I would be in a very dark place now. Thankfully I kept looking for answers. Thanks Daniel for reminding us all that we are all brave and courageous souls who follow this path.


Not looking within is dangerious. What we dont know about ourself does very much hurt us. Jung..."Those that look out dream, those that look within awaken" lt has saved my life.


Being born in a toxic family means that you are taught to ignore their sickness and protect their pathologic lies. Telling the truth and revealing your pain to outsiders are considered a form of betrayal and as such, like in criminal gangs, the traitor must be rejected and punished in the most cruel way. That's the cause of our lifelong conflict: to tell the truth and be faithful to ourselves or to lose the love of the people who are an intrinsic, essential part of us, the people we desperately loved and needed most. I think regardless of which decision we take, the pain is immense, perhaps it will continue to stay within us forever. We live in a world where there is so much hypocrisy, family is still seen as a perfect institution and saying anything "bad", even if it is true, is considered a taboo by many. And one is then treated like a black sheep.


Hell is a place on earth and a state inside us and others. Stare into the void and it sates back into you. Scariest part is the beauty in the darkness because you see it's always been this way and everything is accounted for, nothing new under the sun.


Something strange is happening for me - I'm owning my childhood abuse, finally at 51 stepping into my power that was taken from me and finally asking for the boundaries and respect I need and deserve. I'm finally being able to feel loved (and love others!) in a *true* way....but I had to (and still have to do) the really scary work of rejecting the old family style I was taught. It's terrible and uncomfortable, but for the first time I really feel like me. It's a very strange kind of magic. Thank you Daniel for your bravery. Your words are healing many.


Be very careful who you open up to. The closer they are to you, the MORE careful you have to be, not less.


I have started to understand why poeple don't look within. It is hell like you said. ONe of the best things i have done! It is painful and I love every moment of it. I know in the long run it is for the best


I cannot THANK YOU enough for being an ally like no other ❤❤❤


Growing up I was always called an awful, vicious, evil and mentally ill person who doesn't ''let bygones be bygones''' every time I would bring up any incident from my horrific childhood, who had my narcissistic mother as a perpetrator. People said that I should go see a psychiatrist because something is wrong with me. I chose one to go to at 22 and he said that he cannot diagnose people he hasn't met, but my mother ticks every box for malignant narcissism and he suggested total no contact and gray rocking. It's much easier to harass the victim into silence, rather than acknowledge that the abuser is at fault and face their wrath and the people who do that are self centered cowards. Of course they will use every weapon they can find to prevent you from looking back and looking within.


Daniel: I needed an ally especially during the last year. I set aside all external distractions last April so I would be available to myself without distraction. Over 7 decades of unshed tears, unspoken heartache and locked down anger were what I was hoping to release. In that journey I've learned invaluable insights that I previously never came close to accessing despite decades and tens of thousands of $$ of personal work. A huge realization recently was that I am not the personality that I have honed since birth. I realize I had created that personality in my attempt to provide a substitute for non-negotionable human needs which weren't being met. Who I thought was me was only part me, the rest being adaptations I cobbled together to survive. It would be dishonest to say that isn't sobering and scary but onward and upward from here, the journey continues.


It seems like a voice from a dream when someone you never met describes how you feel better than yourself. How is this possible? This lonely inner journey is exhausting. Tiredness is sometimes worse than the pain... When you have seen, you cannot un-see, but sometimes you feel that you cannot continue. There was a lot of crying watching this.


Thank you God for this caring soul. This is a blessing of a revelation. Sometimes we let the enemies win and discourage us. We shall speak our stories in healing


For years I’ve been on this path.

Every so often I really start to FEEL what’s inside and it’s always so much harder than I thought


My inner child is so scared and needs lots of reassurance. It's hard work to process our pain and doing it bit by bit so he doesn't get overwhelmed and go back down, which he does anyway just to get restbite. Hoping he can stay with me more and more as i heal him


Self-awareness simultaneously comes with other-awareness too, particularly how others treat you. With new awareness comes new boundaries and thus, the conflict begins…


I used psychedelics to find who i am, took multiple years and dozens of trips, but i finally figured it out. Everything made sense. My childhood, my impulses, my tendencies, my doubts and fears, my anger. I found myself in this existence we call life. If you are curious, then do what i did and dive into the void. But I have to warn you, you will experience both sides. Eventually, you will have to face your "demons". I'd recommend starting small and with a trusted friend. Its not a race, so be kind to yourself and take it easy. Build up to the bigger trips.

Good luck.


When I started working as a therapist 5 or 6 years ago, your channel used to make me feel so guilty for participating in the field.

Now I spend a lot of time at home after a best friend passed away. I visited other therapists and realize that your videos are not about therapy exclusively, but how unhealthy our society truly is. I was mocked by some for being a "radical" and shrug off by both therapists and psychiatrists for thinking too much about "normal things in society" according to them.

When I brought these issues up while I was working at the time, people in the field either become defensive or label me as a radical.

Now I looked back at your videos and see that I don't need to feel guilty that much since I already did all I could for clients.

I was depressed after I quit and old clients called me to invite me to run workshops for them. I cried and thank them to reaffirm me that I didn't hurt them through the process.

I have this excessive guilt eating me inside when I was a therapist. I would be afraid to hurt clients the same way the mental health field has hurt them in the past.

Those phonecalls from old clients made me realize that they truly appreciate me as a person, not as a therapist.

I'm now diagnosed with multiple neurological conditions (probably was there at birth), and need to rethink a lot about life.

I tried both religions and different forms of therapy and they didn't work for me.

Then I rewatched your channel based on suggestions from people on Reddit, and boy, I feel so validated by you.
