Joe Rogan goes crazy and attacks Miley Cyrus!!!! 🤮 #justiceforactman
As a stay at home mom, if you can't stay home and take care of 2 kids on $25000 a month then you have a spending problem.
She makes more in one month than what over half of Americans make in 6 months, and she needs more? Definition of an entitled princess.
WTF ... 300K a year and she's complaining? ... THAT is privilege !
Another man telling the ex wife he doesn't want ME near MY kids is f***ing wild
She is an entitled brat, nothing more. I'm sure Crowder has his faults, as we all do. But this is clear garbage behavior by his ex wife.
She deleted all of the ring camera footage except that one little bit that she then doctored. Against a court order. Wow. Why? She's as guilty as hell.
25, 000 A MONTH AND YOU COULDN'T FUCKING BUDGET I am beyond annoyed at just that one line.
Already paying 25k a month, is exactly what wrong with our legal system, and no fault divorce. That's directly encouraging bad behavior, by entitled greedy women.
As a former divorce recovery facilitator, I can say 90% of couples with children, the mother uses them as a weapon, usually by restricting access Non visitation does not alter the requirement to pay child support.
This is so dirty. Something doesn't smell right. Unless someone is abusing their kids, they should never be kept away from their kids. Fathers are EXTREMELY important to children.
25k a MONTH?! How is that even fair? There's no way in hell that is necessary as "Child Support". Most families don't even make a quarter of that monthly with more kids than them! The system is rigged against fathers, I'm so sick of this bs.
This is insane. Assembling a media team to damage your husband's public reputation because you think $25k a month isn't enough.
After the MeToo era of the early Trump years, I’ve learned to never jump the gun on believing a woman’s accusations or that a man is immediately bad because a woman said so
And she and her lawyer deleted all the ring footage illegally. Sus as hell.
$25k a month, and she can't afford to stay home? Sounds like she wants to live a lifestyle beyond her means.
Some sinister stuff going on... "Those Kids??" You mean "HIS OWN KIDS" WTF... His loyalty is to the ex-wife. If Monroe was a real man, he wouldn't be involved in this soppy $hit.
My Mom lied to me my entire life up until I was 18 about my Dad. Why are the children the most effected victims of the parents?
Note to self: don't trust a Hillary
Why does a stay at home mom need a nanny?
Stephen might be a jerk, I imagine he probably is to some extent, but Hilary does not remotely act like a woman that's been abused by him like she claims. The more I see from her, the more it seems like a story she cooked up for the divorce.