Hearthstone - Defeating Professor Putricide - Knights of the Frozen Throne
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Let's play Hearthstone Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion!
Now we'll defeat Professor Putricide, the fifth boss to beat in this adventure. Hero Power: All Secrets cost (0). Enjoy the video and subscribe ;)
The deck I use is in the video at second 0:44 and here is the code:
(To use this code, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone)
By the way... there is a card that isn't shown in the deck, that is 1 x Giant Mastodon, a neutral, common 9 mana cost card.
Now we'll defeat Professor Putricide, the fifth boss to beat in this adventure. Hero Power: All Secrets cost (0). Enjoy the video and subscribe ;)
The deck I use is in the video at second 0:44 and here is the code:
(To use this code, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone)
By the way... there is a card that isn't shown in the deck, that is 1 x Giant Mastodon, a neutral, common 9 mana cost card.
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